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与 last-ditch 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the last straw:救命稻草

其次,在提及要求解除合同的缘由时,海关先是说急需办公用地,遭拒绝后,又说是原告擅自转租了场地,前后时间间隔不到一个月,这又不能不让人怀疑后一个理由是其好不容易才拾到的"一棵救命稻草"(the last straw)-发现了原告与个体工商户之

last straw D:闭关锁国

( )3.every pound C.巧取豪夺 | ( )4.last straw D.闭关锁国 | ( )5.to live and let die E.大发雷霆

n The last straw:使人终于不胜负荷的最后一件事

n Straight on 不转弯 | n The last straw 使人终于不胜负荷的最后一件事 | n Stretch out 舒展身体躺着

This is the last straw:我再也无法忍受了

I won't pick up the phone 因为我不会再接你的电话了 | This is the last straw 我再也无法忍受了 | Don't wanna hurt anymore 我不想再受到伤害了

This is the last straw:我受不了了

I won't pick up the phone 我不会接你的电话的 | This is the last straw 我受不了了 | There's nothing left to beg for 不需要乞求些什么了

This is the last straw:(我再也忍不下去了. )

[01:11.92]I can't make ends meet on my small salary.(这么点儿薪水我怎么够活呀... | [01:23.76]This is the last straw. (我再也忍不下去了. ) | [01:31.50]Your response is unacceptable. (你的答复我接受不了...

This is the last straw:這是最後一注

I won't pick up the phone / 我不會接起電話 | This is the last straw / 這是最後一注 | Don't wanna hurt anymore / 我不想再受到傷害

This was the last straw:这是最后的机会

Don't come beg me to come back.|别来求我让你回来 | This was the last straw.|这是最后的机会 | That was really good.|那真的很好

last Sunday:上周日

42.take bus No.7 坐7路巴士 | 43. last Sunday 上周日 | 44. an interesting book about animals 一本有趣的关于动物的书

last Sunday:上个星期天

25.a big wheel一个大轮子 | 26.last Sunday上个星期天 | 27.lots of people 很多人

第53/100页 首页 < ... 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ... > 尾页
One Last Song
I'm So Glad (Trouble Don't Last)
Take One Last Breath
From The Last, Last Call
The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001))
Last Night Last
Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I Cried My Last Tear Last Night
If This Is The Last Kiss (Let's Make It Last All Night)
Last Last Chance

--She is devoicing her husband:她正和丈夫离婚

7. 你离婚的理由是什么?--What are your grounds for divorce? | 8. 她正和丈夫离婚. --She is devoicing her husband. | 9. 粗俗下流的词---four-letter words


self-denial 克己 | self-denying 克己的 | self-dependence 自我信赖

Waging A Direct-Mail Campaign:一场没有硝烟的直接邮寄广告运动

Direct Marketing: Precision Message Delivery直销:精密信息传送 | Waging A Direct-Mail Campaign一场没有硝烟的直接邮寄广告运动 | Creating Your Direct-Mail Materials创建您直接邮寄资料