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与 last-ditch 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at this time of last year:去年的这个时候

at school 在学校上学 | at this time of last year去年的这个时候 | a television show 一个电视节目

attend upon a dying member of the family; be with somebody in their last moments:送终

礼品 gift; present; product | 送终 attend upon a dying member of the family; be with somebody in their last moments | 关系 relation; relationship; to concern

I went to see that movie Barfly, last night. Piece of shit:昨晚我去看电影《蝴蝶》了,真烂

I don't know.|谈不上好坏 | I went to see that movie Barfly, last night. Piece of shit.|昨晚我去看电影>了,真烂 | - I'm sorry. - It's on my desk. Can you hold?|- 真抱歉 - 就在我桌子上,稍等下好...

Yeah, they expect to be on something so soon after that last one:对,前一个案子刚结束 上头就给我派了个新的

I heard that you are working on a new case.|... | Yeah, they expect to be on something so soon after that last one.|对,前一个案子刚结束 上头就给我派了个新的 | - You got promoted didn't you? - Yeah.|- 你...

He was beat to death by a robber last night:昨天晚上他被一个强盗打死了

beat to death打死: | He was beat to death by a robber last night. 昨天晚上他被一个强盗打死了. | beat up(船等)逆风行驶;特色;搜索,搜集:

on Black Monday last at six o'clock in the morning:早晨六点把鼻子摔破 也不是毫无缘故的

but if you do, it was not for nothing that my nose fell a-bleeding|但如果... | on Black Monday last at six o'clock in the morning.|早晨六点把鼻子摔破 也不是毫无缘故的 | What, are there masques?|什么,会...

These last long months were all blood and iron and mud:最近的这几个月里全是血雨腥风,金戈铁马

"Dearest Servilia,forgive my long silence.|"最亲爱的赛维莉娅,... | These last long months were all blood and iron and mud|最近的这几个月里全是血雨腥风,金戈铁马 | and no time for letters to friends.|没有...

at the last second become this total bloodhound:但最后却会嗜血成性

I bet you'II, like, resist drinking blood and resist drinking and resist drinking it,|我打... | at the last second become this total bloodhound!|但最后却会嗜血成性 | All right, man, here's the deal.|好啦...

Last Boy Scout, The:最后的童子军

1990:虚妄的火焰Bonfire of the Vanities | 1991:最后的童子军Last Boy Scout, The | 1991:最后的想法 Mortal Thoughts

Last Boy Scout, The:最后战士

登龙妙招 Strictly Business (1991) | 最后战士 Last Boy Scout, The (1991) | 天算不如人算 Life or Something Like It (2002)

第25/100页 首页 < ... 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ... > 尾页
One Last Song
I'm So Glad (Trouble Don't Last)
Take One Last Breath
From The Last, Last Call
The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001))
Last Night Last
Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I Cried My Last Tear Last Night
If This Is The Last Kiss (Let's Make It Last All Night)
Last Last Chance

--She is devoicing her husband:她正和丈夫离婚

7. 你离婚的理由是什么?--What are your grounds for divorce? | 8. 她正和丈夫离婚. --She is devoicing her husband. | 9. 粗俗下流的词---four-letter words


self-denial 克己 | self-denying 克己的 | self-dependence 自我信赖

Waging A Direct-Mail Campaign:一场没有硝烟的直接邮寄广告运动

Direct Marketing: Precision Message Delivery直销:精密信息传送 | Waging A Direct-Mail Campaign一场没有硝烟的直接邮寄广告运动 | Creating Your Direct-Mail Materials创建您直接邮寄资料