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与 last-ditch 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at last, finally:终于;最后

We are going to discuss the subject at length tomorrow. 我们将于明天详细地讨论这个问题. | 2) at last; finally 终于;最后 | At length there was a step forward in the negotiations. 谈判终于有了进展.

Here At Last:最后重聚

13 Breath of Air 微风 | 14 On Green Dolphin Street 绿色海豚街 | 15 Here At Last 最后重聚

At long last:泰瑞纳斯国王:终归到底

一切都... 结束...了? Is it... over? | 泰瑞纳斯国王:终归到底, At long last, | 没有哪个国王可以千秋万载,儿子. No king rules forever, my son.

At long last:终于

Every living thing is waiting.|所有的生命都在等待 | At long last,|终于 | the sun makes its first appearance over the horizon.|太阳在地平线上露出了它的第一缕阳光

At long last:最后;终于

21.At best 至多/最高(多)可能/充其量 | 22.At long last 最後/終於 | 50.In addition 另外

At long last:好容易才:经过一段长期而艰辛的等待或耽搁

240. make great strides大有进步, 进展迅速, 大跃进 | 241. at long last好容易才:经过一段长期而艰辛的等待或耽搁 | 242. sweep away v. 一扫而空

At Long Last Love:永恒的爱

1975 肯.拉塞尔的>(Tommy)、彼得.博格达诺维奇的 >(At Long Last Love)和罗伯特.奥尔特曼的>(Nashville)展现了歌舞片最后的辉煌.

and then at long last:最后

and then St. Louis and then Chicago,|然后是圣路易 接着是芝加哥 | and then at long last,|最后... | Washington D.C. will have its lights go out.|华盛顿特区的灯火将会熄灭

At long last love has arrived:愛情終於來臨

I wanna hold you so much 我想擁抱著你 | At long last love has arrived 愛情終於來臨 | And I thank God I'm alive 我感謝上帝,我還活著

At long last love has arrived:经过抵死缠绵

I wanna hold you so much|我想紧紧拥抱你 | At long last love has arrived|经过抵死缠绵 | And I thank God I'm alive|感谢上帝,我还能生还

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One Last Song
I'm So Glad (Trouble Don't Last)
Take One Last Breath
From The Last, Last Call
The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001))
Last Night Last
Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I Cried My Last Tear Last Night
If This Is The Last Kiss (Let's Make It Last All Night)
Last Last Chance

state succession:国家继承

State Statistics Bureau;国家统计局;SSB; | State succession;国家继承;; | State Succession and its impact on nationality of natural and legal persons;国家继承及其对自然人和法人国籍的影响;;

Chlamydial conjunctivitis:衣原体结膜炎

1.衣原体结膜炎(chlamydial conjunctivitis) 衣原体是寄生在细胞内的一种微生物,婴幼儿期可引起结膜炎和肺炎(参阅新生儿肺炎),由于检出率不断提高,现已成为新生儿眼结膜炎的重要病因之一.


mismatch 使配错 | mismate 配合不当 | misname 叫错名字