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与 labor 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

looks like your work troubles have just turned into a labor of love:看来为了你的工作问题已经不惜代价了

you really proved yourself with this one,s.|你... | looks like your work troubles have just turned into a labor of love.|看来为了你的工作问题已经不惜代价了 | perez hilton drew tears on his own photo|Pe...

spent a tremendous amount of labor or money:費盡九牛二虎之力

145. 乘虛 to attack where enemy is weak or unguarded | 146. 費盡九牛二虎之力 spent a tremendous amount of labor or money | 147. 九牛一毛 a drop in the ocean

American Federation of Labor:美国劳工联合会

2006年11月6日,美国,布拉德.皮特(Brad Pitt)出席劳联-产联(AFL-CIO)(美国劳工联合会(American Federation of Labor)和产业工会联合会(Congressof Industrial Organizations)通常简称为劳联-产联(AFL-CIO))举办的一个"87"新闻发布会,一身西服装扮亮相帅气十足.

American Federation of Labor:美國勞工聯盟

然而值得注意的是,美国劳工联盟(American Federation of Labor)却忧心忡忡,这个重要的步骤不应该导致这样的结局:狭隘的职业教育形式给他们的孩子烙上阶级的耻辱.

of the American Federation of Labor:写在报告里面

You see, I'd like to deal in that report with the entire history|我想把美国劳工... | of the American Federation of Labor.|写在报告里面 | I'd like to deal with its support of the war, you see.|我想写明它...

AFL-CIO American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations:美国劳工联盟和工业组织代表大会

ADCOM Address Commission 通讯委员会 | AFL-CIO American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations 美国劳工联盟和工业组织代表大会 | AFRA Average Freight Rate Assessment 平均货物量度评...

Labor Arbitrage:劳动套利

将工作向低成本的海外国家转移让IBM庞大的科技服务业务更具竞争力,这并非劳动套利(labor arbitrage)那么简单. IBM还通过重新设计业务流程改善了自己的工作效率,以软件实现了工作自动化,同时将自己越来越强的全球化能力展现在客户眼皮底下.

Labor Arbitrage:劳动力套利

Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange 吉隆坡证券交易所 | Labor Arbitrage 劳动力套利 | Lagged effect 滞后影响

Labor Arbitrage:劳动套利 LBO 杠杆买断交易;借贷融资收购

Labor Arbitrage 劳动套利 LBO 杠杆买断交易;借贷融资收购 | Lead manager 主承销;牵头经办人 | Legal persons shares 法人股

arrested labor:产程停滞

apoplexia uteroplacenta 子宫胎盘卒中 | arrested labor 产程停滞 | art insem 人工受精

第16/97页 首页 < ... 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ... > 尾页
Labor Day (It's A Holiday)
Labor Of Love
Slave Labor
They're Tearin' The Labor Camps Down
Labor Of Love
Fruits Of My Labor
Labor Of Love
Labor Of Love
Re-Education (Through Labor)

Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务