英语人>网络解释>kid-gloved 相关的网络解释

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与 kid-gloved 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any word on the interrogation? - No, the kid's still stonewalling:侦讯有新消息吗? -没有,那小子还在反抗 )

Then I guess this is where we part ways. ... | - Any word on the interrogation? - No, the kid's still stonewalling. ( -侦讯有新消息吗? -没有,那小子还在反抗 ) | But we've got confirmation on Patoshik. (...

Kid's screaming gave me a headache. I gotta take an aspirin:小子叫唤让我头疼 我得吃个阿司匹林

Where are you going?|你去哪? | Kid's screaming gave me a headache. I gotta take an aspirin.|小子叫唤让我头疼 我得吃个阿司匹林 | House.You okay?We've been waiting for you.|豪斯,你没事么? 我们在等你

You read that kid, and you manipulated the hell out of him:你看透了那个孩子, 你就可以控制他了

That's what I'm saying.|这是我的台词 | You read that kid, and you manipulated the hell out of him.|你看透了那个孩子, 你就可以控制他了 | Bring pretzels.|记得带椒盐卷饼

has grown up from a tottering kid:已经从蹒跚学步的孩子

正在唤起千万青年走向内心对于伟大的渴望 is guiding tens of millions of young l... | 已经从蹒跚学步的孩子 has grown up from a tottering kid | 成长为能够经受风雨洗礼的青年 to a toughened youth capable of ...

Boy wonder,whiz kid:<美口>神童

Boy Scout 美国童子军成员 | Boy wonder,whiz kid 神童 | Comfort woman 慰安妇----------

Face to Face with a Computer Whiz Kid & CEO:采访电脑神童

02 Langhing with Helen Hunt 笑访海伦.亨特 | 03 Face to Face with a Computer Whiz Kid & CEO 采访电脑神童CEO | 04 J.K.Rowling-Living in the World of Harry Potter J.K.罗琳--生活在哈利.波特的世界里

The widow's whiz kid's weird window is a wonder:寡妇的神童儿子的奇异窗户是个奇迹

61.Odd old Donald caught a cold and ordered a sock.古怪... | 62.The widow's whiz kid's weird window is a wonder.寡妇的神童儿子的奇异窗户是个奇迹. | 63.Oberon opposed to operating the opera and opium.奥...

Damn good thing he was pretty, 'cause he sure wasn't Whiz Kid Floyd:长得帅对他来说真是件灾难 因为他不是"神童"弗洛伊德

here's the man who killed Pretty Boy Floyd.|你就... | Damn good thing he was pretty, 'cause he sure wasn't Whiz Kid Floyd.|长得帅对他来说真是件灾难 因为他不是"神童"弗洛伊德 | Tell me something, Mr. Purv...

Once the whiz kid of the local restaurant scene... - Ernie, you're on TV again:厄尼,你又上电视了

If there is a villain in this tragedy, it is Ernie Smuntz.|该悲剧的反面人物是厄尼... | - Once the whiz kid of the local restaurant scene... - Ernie, you're on TV again!|厄尼,你又上电视了 | What? Oh.|什么...

Help out? Your kid's a damn wienie:帮忙? 你的小子柔弱的就像香肠

He could help out around here, do chores.|他可以在这... | Help out? Your kid's a damn wienie.|帮忙? 你的小子柔弱的就像香肠 | I know. That's why he needs to be around real men,|我知道,这正是我想送他来的...

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The Kid In You
Comeback Kid
Kid Becomes The Dream
There's A New Kid In Town
Give The Kid A Break
Stupid Kid
Cudi The Kid
Hey, Kid!
Jesus & The California Kid

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)