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just when相关的网络解释

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与 just when 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

become or make more excited or enthusiastic:(使)变得热烈、活跃起来

1.become or make more excited or enthusiastic(使)变得热烈、活跃起来 | *We arrived just when the party was beginning to warm up.正当聚会开... | *He warmed up when I told him the good news.当我把这好消息告...

Even when you're totally fabulous, and we're still nobodies:即使你已经光芒四射,而我们只是无名小辈. (大家学习一下fabulous)

1. She's just suing you no... | 2. Even when you're totally fabulous, and we're still nobodies即使你已经光芒四射,而我们只是无名小辈. (大家学习一下fabulous) | 3. Girls, you are making way too much of th...

When did you start noticing:你什么时候开始注意到的

I'm just having trouble getting up those steps.|我只是爬楼梯有点困难 | When did you start noticing?|你什么时候开始注意到的? | Oh, a week ago.|一个星期以前

Yeah. When someone opts out of a prearranged appointment:是阿,事先约好的却没来

She was actually supposed to meet me, but she blew me off.|... | Yeah. When someone opts out of a prearranged appointment.|是阿,事先约好的却没来 | - For what purpose were you to meet her? - Just casual...

It's a little hard to criticize if you're with someone who overeats when he's criticized:他受到批评就猛吃 我怎么忍心因他猛吃批评他

So why didn't you just s... | It's a little hard to criticize if you're with someone who overeats when he's criticized.|他受到批评就猛吃 我怎么忍心因他猛吃批评他 | Miranda went out with an overeater, a...

When somebody steals:我想他偷去你的信用卡时

[0:10.862]Still,it's just such reckless spending. 我知道,他真是挥霍无... | [0:13.443]When somebody steals... 我想他偷去你的信用卡时 | [0:15.304]they've already thrown caution to the wind. 根本就已忘了王...

and when he laughed, his lip twitched:他一笑,嘴唇就会颤动

"I made a joke about how bad a film was,|我开玩笑说电影有多糟 | "and when he laughed, his lip twitched.|他一笑,嘴唇就会颤动 | He looked just like his mother."|他看起来就像他母亲

When they unfurled:鸟儿跃尺前展翅张翼

我能看见Icould see the beauty of a bird's wins | 鸟儿跃尺前展翅张翼When they unfurled | 那一刻美丽 Just before flight

I remember when the ale was strong and the wenches were fresh:我记得当时麦酒香醇,姑娘清纯

17 - I'm too old for this... 我太老了.... | 18 - I remember when the ale was strong and the wenches were fresh.我记得当时麦酒香醇,姑娘清纯. | 19 - I can fight just like a... *snores* 我能象...一样战斗...

Remember when we were in Girl Scout camp, and you thought that there was an earthqualke:记得我们在女子军事夏令营的时候 你觉得地震了

You do have a tendency to ov... | Remember when we were in Girl Scout camp, and you thought that there was an earthqualke,|记得我们在女子军事夏令营的时候 你觉得地震了 | but it was just two guys with a ...

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When It's Gone (It's Just Gone)
Just When I Think I'm Over You
Just When I Needed You Most
Just When I Thought It Was Ending
What Happens When The Heart Just Stops
Just When I'd Given Up Dreaming
Just When I Thought I'd Stopped Loving You
Just When You Thought We Couldn't Get Any More Emo, We Go And Pull A Stunt Like This
Just When I Needed You Most

front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...