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just going to相关的网络解释

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与 just going to 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Every cetacean known to man is endangered:所有人类已知的鲸类

so they go buy them in Taiji now.|所以他们现在只能从太地町进口 | Every cetacean known to man is endangered|所有人类已知的鲸类 | just by going anywhere near Japan.|只要靠近日本,就将遭受灭顶之灾

Then how can I say it convincingly:那我怎么能理直气壮地说

-你要去办公室 -不Are you going to the office? No. | 那我怎么能理直气壮地说Then how can I say it convincingly? | 就说"莱纳德去办公室了"Just say, "Leonard went to the office."

I am on my graveyard shift:我正在上大夜班

6 I just heard that seven people are going to be laid off next month. 我刚听说下个月有七个人... | 7 I am on my graveyard shift.我正在上大夜班. | 9 I refuse to work overtime during the weekend. 我周末拒...

I quit the hard stuff:我戒掉了强性的那种

If you'd kept going, you wouldn't have just lost your sense of ... | I quit the hard stuff.|我戒掉了强性的那种 | - I just needed to relax. - Based on the symptoms, you're a lot more than a social user....

I have to run more tests. More tests:我必须要多做几个测试 多做测试

How is she? She's fine.|她怎么样? 一切都好 | I have to run more tests. More tests?|我必须要多做几个测试 多做测试? | You just run a test. What's going on???|你刚刚做了测试? 到底是什么?

It's time for bed:该是睡觉的时候了

我累了--我要睡觉了. i'm tired-i'm going to bed. | 该是睡觉的时候了. it's time for bed. | 我这就安顿孩子们去睡觉. i'll just put the kids to bed.

A miniature life to live over again:生命的縮影又要重新開始

Grow into sun, fade into rain 在陽光下成長,在雨中凋謝 | A miniature life to live over again 生命的縮影又要重新開始 | Happy new year - the world just keeps going 新年快樂,世界依舊向前

to get into R-rated movies:不是为了看限制级电影

At least she's not going out with me...|至少她跟我出去 | ...to get into R-rated movies.|不是为了看限制级电影 | Why don't you just marry her?|你怎么不娶她算了?

Turn right here:向右转

Yeah, l thought l'd come over here and check out the scene.|我想过来看看. | Turn right here.|向右转. | -But l thought we were going to-- -Just-- Just turn right.|- 我以为我们是去... - ... 向右转吧.

Just think, soon there will be lots of little Bings:你想想,很快地 就会出现很多宝氏小孩

This is so exciting! I thought we screwed you up too much f... | Just think, soon there will be lots of little Bings.|你想想,很快地 就会出现很多宝氏小孩 | I can't believe I'm going back to get spit on ...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest