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just going to相关的网络解释

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与 just going to 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have a gun in my room:我的房间里有枪

I'm just going to assume it all went to plan.|这就是我的计划 . | I have a gun in my room.|我的房间里有枪 . | I'll come back, boom! I'll blow their brains out.|我拿来后 , ! 打爆他们的脑袋 .

I bet.|- That's just enough:我相信|- 那够了

And they're going|to be exquisite.|它们很精致的 | I bet.|- That's just enough.|- 我相信|- 那够了 | But I mean, you could|do whatever you want.|但是我的意思是,|你可以做任何自己想做的事

Yes, ice cream:对 冰淇淋

You're just going to have to have ice cream. 你只得吃冰淇淋了. | Yes, ice cream. 对,冰淇淋. | Lots of flavors. 有很多种口味的.

Not just yet:还不

Are you going to kill me now?|你现在想杀死我吗? | Not just yet|还不 | Tell me, Arsinoe do you grieve for our poor brother?|阿尔西诺埃 你为弟弟之死伤心吗?

up to sth.: capable of sth:能做,能胜任

He complains all the time, so I just tune his comments out. 他老在埋怨,我就是不听他那一... | 8. up to sth.: capable of sth. 能做,能胜任 | He is sick and not up to going to work today. 他今天病了,不能去上...

I just keep pursuing voidness all the way through:一生都追踪空气

OH......我再笑我似个笑话 Oh, how ridiculous my life is! | 一生都追踪空气 I just keep pursuing voidness all the way through. | OH......我也说过休息放弃吧 Oh, I tried giving up and going to rest,

Your mother's a cankerous whore:你妈就是个浑身溃烂的婊子

Jeff, you're just going to|have to tough it out.|杰夫,你得表现坚强点 | Your mother's a cankerous whore!|你妈就是个浑身溃烂的婊子! | Jesus, man.|天哪

talking in French to a bunch of... beatniks:跑去跟那些披头族大谈法语吗

And if she's going to spend three years playing that bloody cello... | ...talking in French to a bunch of... beatniks,|跑去跟那些披头族大谈法语吗 | Well, I'm... I'm just throwing good money after bad.|...

No, it just falls straight right down:看来不是 而是这里

That's right where it's going to land. Stop it! Let's go!|那里就是笼子落下的... | No, it just falls straight right down...|看来不是 而是这里... | I guess it's not spring-loaded. I'm pregnant.|我看不是弹...

Is that a double entendre:那是个双关语么

How about you come over to my place for something hot and spicy?|不如你来我家 享受点... | Is that a double entendre?|那是个双关语么? | No, I was just going to make you my chili. Oh.|不是 我只是要给你做...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest