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just going to相关的网络解释

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与 just going to 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

corky:不管你做什么 克克 不管发生了什么

It just... It means that we have to be carefu... | Well, whatever you do, Corky, no matter what's going on...|不管你做什么 克克 不管发生了什么 | ...just be honest with them and tell them the truth, oka...

Three years in the making:经过三年制造后

The bots are finally going to "Titanic."|"蛆虫"们终于委到"泰坦尼克... | Three years in the making.|经过三年制造后 | PAXTON: "Mir-1," Jake's just coming out of his hooch. Over.|"米尔-1号",杰克就委从他的屋...

Yes. - Keep the peace:是的 - 维护和平

Just think about it, what exactly are you going to be doing tonight?|就想想,你今晚到街上究竟要做什... | - Yes. - Keep the peace.|- 是的 - 维护和平 | Stop the mob from getting out of control.|阻止失控的人...

it escalated:但当然了 你们也能想象得到 一发不可收拾

i thought my father just wanted to have a good time,|我以为父亲只是想熬... | but, of course, you know, it escalated,|但当然了 你们也能想象得到 一发不可收拾 | and he started going on these benders.|他开...

you know, massacres, the holocaust...etc. a lot of that:像大屠杀,各种惨案...很多之类的事

You know, to look at the terrible things in our histo... | 像大屠杀,各种惨案...很多之类的事,|you know, massacres, the holocaust...etc. a lot of that , | was just going a long way what was the predomina...

Sky Studios:天际摄影棚

Just moving some things around.|只是在搬东西 | Sky Studios.|天际摄影棚 | Tonight I' m actually going to this fashion thing at Sky Studios.|我今晚要去天际摄影棚看服装秀

Do we even know that this is the right cave:我们还不知道有没有找对山洞

- It's slippery! - How many times?|- 太滑了! - 多少... | Do we even know that this is the right cave?|我们还不知道有没有找对山洞? | I'm going to go with "yes," but that's just a hunch.|我想说"是的" 但那...

All the best boutiques are here. If I throw up, will you hold my hair:所有顶级时装店都在这里 如果我失败了 你还会支持我吗

- Excuse me just a second. - Mom, can you believe th... | All the best boutiques are here. If I throw up, will you hold my hair?|所有顶级时装店都在这里 如果我失败了 你还会支持我吗? | It's going to be g...

You're a sight for sore eyes:你太迷人了

What other kind of weirdo crap you got going on. 你還會發生哪些古怪事. | You're a sight for sore eyes. 你太迷人了. | I just want to get a sneak peak at it. 我只想偷看一眼.

and climate changes:和气候的变化

In the next 48 hours, we're going to see a huge amount of seismic activity|接下来48小时内 我们将会看... | and climate changes|和气候的变化 | The President just evacuated the entire Westcoast|总统刚刚疏散...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest