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just because of相关的网络解释

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与 just because of 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Um, let me just call the bank to set up a wire transfer:嗯 我这就打给银行 让他们准备转账

I... I can't wait to help the children.|我... 我实... | Um, let me just call the bank to set up a wire transfer.|嗯 我这就打给银行 让他们准备转账 | Oh, um, I'm sorry. Just because of the time crunch,|哦...

Wouldn't it be poetic justice if we could just:[如果我们可以联手摆他一道

And we both ended up in here because of michael scofield. [而你我之所以有今天 都是... | Wouldn't it be poetic justice if we could just... [如果我们可以联手摆他一道...] | return the favor? [这岂不是在伸张...

Turns out you can run from just about everything:这一生你可以摆脱任何东西 )

it's always because of the damn dogs. ( 都是因为这些该死... | Turns out you can run from just about everything ( 这一生你可以摆脱任何东西 ) | in your life 'cept your own particular stink. ( 除了你独特的...

Right now, I look like a little bit numbly:如今我好象有些许的麻木

也许是因为面子 Maybe because of his face. | 如今我好象有些许的麻木 Right now, I look like a little bit numbly. | 不会因为别人流泪而哭 I will not cry just because of other's tears.

just make it less cloyed:又不想太黏

给我多一点甜蜜时间-Give me a bit more sweet time | 又不想太黏- just make it less cloyed | 还不是因为爱我才会善变-It is still because of me that you become capricious

He did it out of gratitude for all she had done for him:他这么做是出于感激她为他所做的一切

11. out of sth.: because of st... | He did it out of gratitude for all she had done for him. 他这么做是出于感激她为他所做的一切. | I came out of real interest, not just to have a good time. 由于真正感...

Well, things just got a little chillier:就连说话也冷冰冰的

Because of all the ice.|因为四周全是冰! | Well, things just got a little chillier.|就连说话也冷冰冰的 | Help. Help.|救命,救命啊!

Bodies in the morgues, bodies in the|hospitals, bodies by the side of the road:停尸房、医院甚至路边,到处都是尸体

Just piles of bodies.|只剩... | Bodies in the morgues, bodies in the|hospitals, bodies by the side of the road.|停尸房、医院甚至路边,到处都是尸体 | And not because the LAPD|wanted to wipe out crime. No.|...

speaking, the aged are self-conceited because of their good:老. 在主观上,老者自恃

老而轻少,有时重少而轻 sometimes it is just the other wa... | 老. 在主观上,老者自恃 speaking, the aged are self-conceited because of their good | 其老,少年自矜其少. 几 old age, while the young think no ...

Delay of game, loss of five yards:拖延时间 后退五码

Wonder if her carpet matches my drapes.|真希望我能配得上她 | Delay of game, loss of five yards.|拖延时间 后退五码 | And just because it's a spring scrimmage...|就算是并列争球...

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Just Because Of You

weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory