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just about相关的网络解释

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与 just about 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Just let the faceless marauding|corporate monsters of America:就让这个不要脸的家伙统治美国吧

- Oh, my God.|- Oh, sure.|-哦,上帝|-... | Just let the faceless marauding|corporate monsters of America|就让这个不要脸的家伙统治美国吧 | destroy everything|beautiful about this town.|把这个小镇所有美丽...

Typical!Just typical!"Gretel remarked:典型的天气!真是典型!" 格莱托评论道

[16:24.41]And then,suddenly, the sun came out, the snow me... | [16:32.09]"Typical!Just typical!"Gretel remarked. ;"典型的天气!真是典型!" 格莱托评论道. | [16:38.53]"The way you talk about the weather, ...

Just when you thought it couldn't get any shittier here:只是你认为没有比这更差的时候

Okay, no big elephants on the table.|好了 没有... | Just when you thought it couldn't get any shittier here.|只是你认为没有比这更差的时候 | Okay, do you wanna have a big laugh about it right now, huh?|好...

I saw you smooching with that girl just outside my window:我看到你在窗外亲那个女孩

You should be more of a gentleman.你应该有点绅士风度. | I saw you smooching with that girl just outside my window.我看到你在窗外亲那个女孩. | I'm crazy about you.我对你非常着迷.

Just paper wasps:只是黄蜂而已

I hate bees.|我讨厌蜜蜂 | Just paper wasps|只是黄蜂而已 | and they're having too much fun to worry about us.|它们现在唯一的兴趣只是尸体 顾不上我们的

so this whole "Cat's Cradle" thing you just drew isn't gonna happen:你画的这些都没有可能做到

Well,we've got about five hours until school's out,|嗯 放学之前我们还... | so this whole "Cat's Cradle" thing you just drew isn't gonna happen.|你画的这些都没有可能做到 | Okay.Okay,here it is:|好 好的 这...

But I just told you that if the danglers lose, they're out:但我刚说过如果男队输了 他们就出局

If you don't think about it for more than three... | But I just told you that if the danglers lose, they're out.|但我刚说过如果男队输了 他们就出局 | So I can only assume,you're hiding the real reason.|...

I just had a five-hour lunch with James:我刚和詹姆斯 吃了五小时的午餐

- I'm sorry I'm late. - Well, it's about time.|-抱歉,我迟到了 -你也... | I just had a five-hour lunch with James.|我刚和詹姆斯 吃了五小时的午餐 | Five hour lunches, I remember those.|五小时的午餐?不用想...

I'd just come out of a four-hour movie I didn't understand:刚看了四小时长的晦涩电影

I felt dazed, like|我头晕 像是 | I'd just come out of a four-hour movie I didn't understand.|刚看了四小时长的晦涩电影 | I kept thinking about his face...|我不断想到他的脸

The whole East Side will just gentrify overnight:整个旧金山东部第二天就会被改造

it's the end of the whole East Side of San Francisco... | The whole East Side will just gentrify overnight.|整个旧金山东部第二天就会被改造 | And all of the great things that we love about San Francisco...

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Just About The Same
I've Got Just About Everything
Just About Done
Just About Time
Just About Glad
Just About You
Just About Now
Just About Over
Just About To Break
Just About Enough

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)