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与 jack-o'-lantern 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

answering cord:回答(线)绳

回答台(电信) answering board | 回答(线)绳 answering cord | 回答插口 answering jack

Oh, great. The Nemerov apologist:太好了 聂米罗夫的辩护律师来了

- Becker. - This is Jack Ryan, Russian desk.|我是贝克. 我是杰克... | Oh, great. The Nemerov apologist.|太好了 聂米罗夫的辩护律师来了 | Sir, this bomb was not Nemerov. I know this guy.|先生,炸弹不干聂米罗...

To Apologize:啊! 挂了! - 基本上 当做道歉

- What do you want, Jack? - You, obviously.|- 你想干嘛 ... | - Ugh! Hanging up! - But barring that, to apologize.|- 啊! 挂了! - 基本上 当做道歉 | This whole process just wasn't what I was expecting.|事...


JACK ANGEL - 大火车 狂飙 大力金刚 烟幕 喷气机 | MARLENE ARAGON - 爱丽塔 | MICHAEL BELL - 警车 横炮 弹片 飞标

Nate Archibald:奈特-阿奇巴尔德

杰克-拉姆齐Jack Ramsay (77) | 奈特-阿奇巴尔德Nate Archibald (1) | 里奇蒙德Mitch Richmond (2)

Articulated joint:关节接合

Articulated jack 铰接式千斤顶 | Articulated joint 关节接合 | Articulated sixwheeler 铰接式六轮汽车

As is mine:还有我

It's right here between you and Jack.|在你和杰克之间我已作出了选择 | As is mine.|还有我 | Elizabeth!|伊丽莎白!

Ashford, Will:亚什孚

里奥 Rio, Alexis | 亚什孚 Ashford, Will | 亚伯拉罕 Jack Abraham

at a rate of knots [ 'nCts]:(英)快速地;飞快地

-Nancy drove her car at full pelt down the road. 南希驾着车全速地沿路... | 7. at a rate of knots [ 'nCts] (英)快速地;飞快地- | -Jack's getting through the ironing at a rate of knots. 杰克熨烫衣服的活儿干...

happened at a time:如同昙花一现

Jack Reed's life, short as it was,|杰克.雷德的人生短暂 | happened at a time,|如同昙花一现 | and all of us, after all, are the victims of our time and place,|我们所有人都是那个时代的受害者

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Hit The Road Jack
The Jack
Big Jack
Jack The Ripper
Feed Me Jack Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Peter Sellers
Jack & Coke
Jack's Lament
Hit The Road Jack
Jumpin' Jack Flash
Jack Thriller Interlude - Jack Thrilla

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制