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与 jack-o'-lantern 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pimp War:拉皮条的内讧

Find Jack the Ripper 找到jack开膛手 (......) | Pimp War 拉皮条的内讧 | Pimps N Hookers 拉皮条的和妓女

acoustic resonance:共鸣

但在拍摄手法上倒有著相通之处~咖啡桌旁除了聚旧也可以讨论人生道理~ Jack White 和 Meg White 主演的一段大谈科学家 Nikola Tesla (Jack White 的确很崇拜这位科学家的), 与及他那 "声音共鸣" (acoustic resonance) 理论, 竟如一堂

Save it. - Okay:省省吧 - 好的

My name's Jack. I punch bad guys, and I kiss girls.|我的名字是Jack 我会揍人 ... | - Save it. - Okay.|- 省省吧 - 好的 | Now, just a quick FY informacion, I'm kind of a neat freak...|现在 先来点简短快讯吧...

Colonel Seely as he was then:那时候他还是上校

was Jack Seely...|就是Jack Seely... | Colonel Seely as he was then.|那时候他还是上校 | He seemed to embody all that was magnificent|他完美体现了

[Ragetti] We could serve up a slice as a souvenir:咱们要不切一块留做纪念吧

Pintel and Ragetti,Kraken slayers.|Pintel和Ragetti 海怪猎人 | [Ragetti] We could serve up a slice as a souvenir.|咱们要不切一块留做纪念吧 | Still thinking of running,Jack?|Jack 你还想着要逃跑吗?

I have to sit down. - Is everything okay:我得坐一下 -出什么事了

What is it?|怎么回事? | - I have to sit down. - Is everything okay?|-我得坐一下 -出什么事了? | - I have to sit down. - Jack, what is it? Jack?|-我得坐一下 -杰克,怎么回事?杰克

sterling silver:纯银

很多Judith Jack首饰材质都是白铁矿石(Marcasite)完美镶嵌在纯银(Sterling Silver)上. 多年前我在美国一个高档百货商场首饰专柜看到Judith Jack,一见就爱不释手,经典,时尚,精致,优雅,品味溶于一身. 看在眼里,戴在身上是一种享受.

Stolen Ambulance:被偷的救护车 (偷这个干吗)

Hostage Situation 解救人质 (注意瞄准绿色的) | Stolen Ambulance 被偷的救护车 (偷这个干吗) | Find Jack the Ripper 找到jack开膛手 (......)

Stolen Ambulance:被偷的救护车

Hostage Situation 解救人质 (注意瞄准绿色的) | Stolen Ambulance 被偷的救护车 | Find Jack the Ripper 找到jack开膛手

B.polyphylla Wall.ex Lawa. Littleleaf Supplejack:多叶勾儿茶

牯岭勾儿茶 B.kulingensis Schneid. Kuling Supple-jack | 多叶勾儿茶 B.polyphylla Wall.ex Lawa. Littleleaf Supplejack | 云南勾儿茶 B.yunnanensis Franch. Yunnan Supple-jack

第77/100页 首页 < ... 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 ... > 尾页
Hit The Road Jack
The Jack
Big Jack
Jack The Ripper
Feed Me Jack Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Peter Sellers
Jack & Coke
Jack's Lament
Hit The Road Jack
Jumpin' Jack Flash
Jack Thriller Interlude - Jack Thrilla

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制