英语人>网络解释>it's 相关的网络解释
与 it's 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yeah. I mean we kindo do. It's so much more athletic than football:对啊 可以这么说吧 比橄榄球带劲儿多了

You love cheering. Don't run from it. Thi... | Yeah. I mean we kindo do. It's so much more athletic than football.|对啊 可以这么说吧 比橄榄球带劲儿多了 | If it were up to us, we'd go with you ladies to...

It's a little hard to criticize if you're with someone who overeats when he's criticized:他受到批评就猛吃 我怎么忍心因他猛吃批评他

So why didn't you just s... | It's a little hard to criticize if you're with someone who overeats when he's criticized.|他受到批评就猛吃 我怎么忍心因他猛吃批评他 | Miranda went out with an overeater, a...

But now we have this second one, and it feels like it's snowballing:我知道,但现在有第二笔了就像雪球越滚越大

But we've only had one job.|但我们只做了一笔生意啊 | But now we have this second one, and it feels like it's snowballing.|我知道,但现在有第二笔了就像雪球越滚越大 | What are you saying?|你在说什么?

Okay, it's a bit trickier. But if you can pull it off:需要很大的技巧,但你要是成功了

Now the last one. The last one is called "The Goat."|最后一个... | Okay, it's a bit trickier. But if you can pull it off,|需要很大的技巧,但你要是成功了 | you are a god among men, all right?|那你可就达到...

It's the all-black outfit that's throwing me:你这穿一身全黑的衣服 让我很困惑

Yeah, that's pretty self-explanatory.|对 那真是不言而喻 | It's the all-black outfit that's throwing me.|你这穿一身全黑的衣服 让我很困惑 | I'm in the middle of a game of assassin.|我正在参加一个杀人游...

I know it's your bar mitzvah money, but I have to take it:我知道那是你成人礼的钱 但我还是要拿

I need cash. This is a business I'm running.|我要现金 我做的可是生意 | I know it's your bar mitzvah money, but I have to take it.|我知道那是你成人礼的钱 但我还是要拿 | You lost the bet.|愿赌服输

Salesman: It's eighty-five yuan:八十五元

Dad: How much is it? 多少钱? | Salesman: It's eighty-five yuan. 八十五元. | Dad: We'll take it. Here is the money. 我们买了,这是钱.

Right, and now it's one of our anthems:好吧,但现在是我们的国歌之一了

- Flipping terrorist song, man. - They used to arrest you for singing it.|- 傻... | Right, and now it's one of our anthems.|好吧,但现在是我们的国歌之一了 | I can't even read it or pronounce the words.|...

In any case, it's a hell of a gangbang:无论如何,这是个流氓的地狱

One of them could be a midget.|其中一个可能是个侏儒 | In any case, it's a hell of a gangbang.|无论如何,这是个流氓的地狱 | Once you joke about it, you shouldn't be doing it.|你再拿这些开玩笑,你就不要干...

Fucking wetbacks.|It's always knives, isn't it:该死的墨西哥人|又是刀子么

Shit.|干 | Fucking wetbacks.|It's always knives, isn't it?|该死的墨西哥人|又是刀子么? | You like cutting people up?|你喜欢用刀割人么?

第79/100页 首页 < ... 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 ... > 尾页
It's Alright, It's Ok
It's Not Me It's You
When It's Gone (It's Just Gone)
It's Not You, It's Me
It's All Wrong, But It's All Right
It's Not Just A Party, It's A Funeral
It's Not Love, But It's Not Bad
When It's Night-Time In Italy It's Wednesday Over Here
It's Over When It's Over
It's Not Right, But It's Okay

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)