英语人>网络解释>it's 相关的网络解释
与 it's 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's time to eat:该吃钣了

Come and get it. 开饭了. | It's time to eat. 该吃钣了. | It's time for dinner. 开饭啦!

it's windy today:今天冷嗖嗖的

今天很冷. It sure is. | 就是. 105、It's chilly today. | 今天冷嗖嗖的. It's windy today.

It's windy yesterday:昨天风很大

92. It's cold these days. 最近很冷. | 93. It's windy yesterday. 昨天风很大. | The weather forecast says it is going to rain tomorrow. 天气预报说明天可能会下雨.

B: It's windy:今天的风有点大

58. A: How is the weather today 今天天气如何 | B: It's windy. 今天的风有点大. | 59. A: It's rather warm today, isn't it 今天天气蛮暖和的, 是吗

(It's )your turn,Li Ming. Now you,please:轮到你了

Now let's read /do it one by one. 现在我们依次朗读/做. | (It's )your turn,Li Ming. Now you,please.轮到你了. | Next,please.Now you do the same,please.下一个. Can you guess it? 能猜猜吗?

A: It's your turn. Good luck.B: Thanks:轮到你了

108 Wake up and smell the coffee.你别妄想了 A: Do you think mom will let me... | 109 It's your turn.轮到你了 A: It's your turn. Good luck.B: Thanks. | 110 It means这表示 A: What dose this word "delusio...

It's totally the greatest finds since King Tut:这可是图特卡门墓出世后最大的发现了

What is it?|发生什么事了? | It's totally the greatest finds since King Tut.|这可是图特卡门墓出世后最大的发现了 | It's definitely him.|真的是他

It's malt liquor:麦芽酒

How long till it wears off?|药效会持续多长时间? | It's malt liquor?|麦芽酒? | It's that new Anaconda Malt Liquor from the billboards.|这是全新上榜品牌,蟒蛇牌麦芽酒

It's a symbol the medical field uses to this day:直到今天还是医界的象征符号

They called it Aesculapius's staff.|人称阿斯克勒庇俄斯手杖 | It's a symbol the medical field uses to this day.|直到今天还是医界的象征符号 | I've seen it.|我见到过

Your gift is cosmic. It's metaphysic:你的天赋来自无边的宇宙,是玄之又玄的

Your gift transcends all this shit.|你的天赋比他妈的任何一切都重要 | Your gift is cosmic. It's metaphysic.|你的天赋来自无边的宇宙,是玄之又玄的 | It's eternal. It is God!|它是永恒的,它就是上帝!

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It's Alright, It's Ok
It's Not Me It's You
When It's Gone (It's Just Gone)
It's Not You, It's Me
It's All Wrong, But It's All Right
It's Not Just A Party, It's A Funeral
It's Not Love, But It's Not Bad
When It's Night-Time In Italy It's Wednesday Over Here
It's Over When It's Over
It's Not Right, But It's Okay

tape certifier:磁带保证书

磁带认证 tape certification | 磁带保证书 tape certifier | 带通道 tape channel


dust-freeworkshop 无尘车间 | dust-laden 充满尘埃的 | dust-ladenair 有尘空气

Space Chimps:猩戰前傳 動作遊戲

Sonic: Unleashed索尼克:能量釋放 動作冒險遊戲 | Space Chimps猩戰前傳 動作遊戲 | Spectral Force 3 Innocent Rage 聖魔戰記3 無罪的狂熱 策略模擬遊戲