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与 integrally 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

normal ring, integrally closed domain:正规环

正规化子|normalizer | 正规环|normal ring, integrally closed domain | 正规基|normal basis

completely integrally closed:完全整闭的

completely integrable system 完全可积组 | completely integrally closed 完全整闭的 | completely mixed game 完全混合对策


integral-slot winding 整数槽绕组 | integrally 整体地 | integrally-forged impulsed wheel 整锻冲动式转轮

raising integrally:整体打捞

raising in sections 分段打捞 | raising integrally 整体打捞 | raising iron 刮缝凿

integrally closed:整闭

镇定|stabilization | 整闭|integrally closed | 整闭包|integral closure

integrally closed:整性封闭

integral domain 整区 | integrally closed 整性封闭 | Intersection 交

integrally annealed:整体退火

integral-transform method 积分变换法 | integrally annealed 整体退火 | integrally closed ring 整闭环

integrally dependent:整相关

整死循环 integrally closed ring | 整相关 integrally dependent | 被积分函数 integrand

be hoisted integrally:整体吊装

整齐neat | 整体吊装be hoisted integrally | 直角尺检定仪Square calibrater

Integrally molded hot water bottle with jointless neck preventing leakages:整体熔铸热水瓶无缝颈部防止漏水

Features: 特点... | Integrally molded hot water bottle with jointless neck preventing leakages整体熔铸热水瓶无缝颈部防止漏水 | Thermoplastic transparent material that is odorless and recyclable热塑性塑料...

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seed pearl:珍珠; 米珠

seed 播种, 成熟, 结实; 结实, 播种 (动) | seed pearl 珍珠; 米珠 | seed plant 种子植物

break though:挤过去,突破,打破,打(洞等),(太阳由云间)钻出,犯(规),违(章)

60. break out发生,(战争等)突发,爆发,(囚犯等)逃脱,倒空(容器),由(船舱)卸货 | 61. break though挤过去,突破,打破,打(洞等),(太阳由云间)钻出,犯(规),违(章) | 62. break up弄破,打碎,拆散,拆开,剖割(兽体等),破坏

Your accusation is baseless:你的指责毫无道理

2. I'm a man of pronounced views. 我向来观点鲜明. | 3. Your accusation is baseless. 你的指责毫无道理. | 4. We're not a fly-by-night operator. 我们不做一锤子买卖.