英语人>网络解释>inquiry 相关的网络解释

查询词典 inquiry

与 inquiry 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

LAP Low Address Part:低址段

GIAC General Inquiry Access Code 通查询访问码 | LAP Low Address Part 低址段 | LC Link Controller 链路控制器

ALARCON, Antonio:安东尼奥.阿拉尔孔

International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur;达尔富尔问题国际调查委员会;; | ALARCON, Antonio;安东尼奥.阿拉尔孔;; | wilayaat;[苏丹]州;;

an idel rumour:毫无根据的谣言

353an export item出口项目 | 354an idel rumour毫无根据的谣言 | 355an inquiry office问讯处

an inspired poet:一个富有灵感的诗人

355an inquiry office问讯处 | 356an inspired poet一个富有灵感的诗人 | 357an official statement正式声明,官方声明



Asking About Price:询问价格

040 询问Inquiry | 041 询问价格Asking About Price | 042 讨价还价Bargaining

regular astigmatism:规则性散光

regular 有规律的 | regular astigmatism 规则性散光 | regular inquiry 定期调查

Bank Card Business:银行卡业务

Unit 169 国际货币制度 The International Monetary System(338) | Part 9 银行卡业务 Bank Card Business | Unit 170 信用卡咨询 An Inquiry about a Credit Card(340)

be critical of:爱挑毛病的,批评的

The bridge must be repaired within three days at all costs. 要不惜一切代价在三天内把桥修好... | 12. be critical of 爱挑毛病的,批评的 | The inquiry was critical of her work. 该项调查对她的工作提出了批评...

be desirous of sth:想要购买

在...范围内within the scope of | 想要购买be desirous of sth. | 询购... inquiry for

第8/23页 首页 < ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... > 尾页
The Inquiry Of Ms. Terri

civil law country:(欧洲大陆各国的)爱猫扑.爱生活系国家

Civil Code(德国)民法典 | civil law country(欧洲大陆各国的)爱猫扑.爱生活系国家 | claim 权利要求

the guy I was fantasizing about all that time:一个我一直梦想交往的家伙

And I didn't hit the fat weather guy from Channel 10,I hit the dreamy reporter,|... | the guy I was fantasizing about all that time|一个我一直梦想交往的家伙. | when I was trying to get over Oharlie.|还...


"到达时间","arrival time" | "碱磷铁石,钠磷锰铁石","arrojadite" | "旱谷","arroyo"