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与 inducted 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Inducted Drag:诱导阻力

827 Indicated Pressure Altimeter 指示气压高度 | 828 Inducted Drag 诱导阻力 | 829 Inertial Navigation System 惯性导航系统

Inducted Draft:导流通风

Identification Inside Diameter 识别内径 | Inducted Draft 导流通风 | Intelligence Division 情报部门

ID Inducted Draft:导流通风

ID Identification Inside Diameter 识别内径 | ID Inducted Draft 导流通风 | ID Intelligence Division 情报部门

ID Inducted Draft:导流畅风

ID Identification Inside Diameter 辨认内径 | ID Inducted Draft 导流畅风 | ID Intelligence Division 谍报部分

Qi-stagnation inducted blood-stasis:气滞血癖

气滞血癖:Qi-stagnation inducted blood-stasis | 气滞血瘀:Qi stagnation and blood stasis | 肝气郁结证:Syndrome of liver-qi stagnation

be inducted into the Hall of Fame:进入名人堂

be inconclusive about 对......没有形成最后结论 161 | be inducted into the Hall of Fame 进入名人堂 138 | be involved in... 卷入了...... 133

How are new employees inducted? Is there any training:新員工如何就職?是否有任何培訓

2. Is this a newly created or a replacement position? 這... | 3. How are new employees inducted? Is there any training? 新員工如何就職?是否有任何培訓? | 4. What is the most challenging part of this job?...

Indicated Pressure Altimeter:指示气压高度

826 Indicated Airspeed 指示空速 | 827 Indicated Pressure Altimeter 指示气压高度 | 828 Inducted Drag 诱导阻力


pensionable emolument:可供计算退休金的薪酬

pensionable child 可领取抚恤金的子女 | pensionable emolument 可供计算退休金的薪酬 | pensionable establishment 可享退休金人员编制

heat pump evaporator:热泵蒸发器

热泵干燥器 heat pump dryer | 热泵蒸发器 heat pump evaporator | 润药机 herbal medicine infiltrating machine

resistant varieties:抗性品种

Resistance to chemical 抵抗化学物质 | Resistant varieties 抗性品种 | Respiration 呼吸作用