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in short相关的网络解释

查询词典 in short

与 in short 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

either...or..., no middle point (L.1:1) 要么...要么,没有折中办法

1) 要么...要么,没有折中办法 either...or..., no middle point (L.1) | 2) 为贪图舒适而放弃立场 to sell out to convenience (L.6) | 3) 短缺 to be in short supply (L.8)

generally speaking:一般来说

但各地庆祝节日的日期( date )并不相同, 一般来说( generally speaking)大部分国家都在2月中下旬举行庆祝活动. 各国的狂欢节都颇具特色,但总的来说( in short ),都是以毫无节制的纵酒饮乐著称. 其中最负盛名( famous )的要数巴西的狂欢节.

So, imaginatively, it was called dark matter:因此 凭着想象 它被称为暗物质

Which meant nobody was able to see it.|这意味着没... | So, imaginatively, it was called dark matter.|因此 凭着想象 它被称为暗物质 | In short, to explain how galaxies came about, scientists had to call|...

in spite of oneself:不由自主地

507in short总之,简言之 | 508in spite of oneself不由自主地 | 509in terms of就......而论

like a shot:立即,飞快地

in short 总之 | like a shot 立即,飞快地 | on the side 作为兼职,暗地里

Hayba minna:公司

學校(其他): phillippen Wome's Davao | 公司: Hayba minna | 職業: taga linis ng bahay in short LONGKATOTS

gossip monger:传谣言的人

rumor: 谣言,传闻 | gossip monger :传谣言的人 | in short :总之

be on the horizon:(事件)即将来临的,已露端倪

be in short supply 供应不足 | be on the horizon (事件)即将来临的,已露端倪 | be relative to... 有关,涉及

polish off:吃掉

thrill: 激动 | polish off: 吃掉 | in short order: 短期内;迅速地

to recapitulate:概括的讲

to conclude 最后,总结 | to recapitulate 概括的讲 | in short 简言之

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Smart Woman (In A Real Short Skirt)
Short Dog's In The House


plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

Steel Skeleton Construction:钢骨构造

"钢珠","steel shot" | "钢骨构造","steel skeleton construction" | "钢枕(铁路)","steel sleeper"

Senecio cineraria:银叶菊

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum | 银叶菊 Senecio cineraria | 97 加拿大一枝黄花 Solidago canadensis