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in short相关的网络解释

查询词典 in short

与 in short 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

deficient in:不足的

3. short of 缺乏 | 4. deficient in 不足的 | proficient 有技巧,熟练

get in sb's hair:[俚]打扰某人; 使 某人气恼

do up one's hair (女子)梳理头发; 把头发盘起来 | get in sb.'s hair [俚]打扰某人; 使 某人气恼 | get sb. by the short hairs [俚]任意摆布某人; 完全操纵某人

to get oneself into hot water:使自己陷入困境

to be in hot water; 深陷困境;身处水深火热之中; | to get oneself into hot water; 使自己陷入困境; | to be in short supply of 缺乏.....;

highly polished:光洁度高

供不应求 in short supply; demand exceeding supply | 光洁度高 highly polished | 回味隽永 pleasant in after-taste

how great would it be if we both got in:要是我们两个都被录取了多好啊

It was only after I wrote that short that I started th... | how great would it be if we both got in?|要是我们两个都被录取了多好啊 | - Wait. So... so you got the spot? - I would have never applied|- 等等...

Equality in being educated:有教无类

自我保存:preserve one"s being | 有教无类:Equality in being educated | 敏于短篇:being good at writing short articles

in financial difficulties:经济困难

21.expansion project 扩展计划 | 22.in financial difficulties 经济困难 | 23.be short of... 缺乏

in large amount:大批地

19. go for sb对某人也一样 | 20. in large amount大批地 | 21. be short of=be lacking of 缺乏,缺少

in safety:安全地

run short of ... 快要把...用光;缺乏... | in safety 安全地 | for the sake of ... 为了...起见

That cards are in sb's hands:稳操胜券

使出绝招/最后一招 play one's best/last card. | 稳操胜券 That cards are in sb's hands. | 长话短说 To make a long story short.

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Smart Woman (In A Real Short Skirt)
Short Dog's In The House


来源:人权观察 注册域名的国家:卡塔尔(QA)、中非共和国(CF)、阿曼(OM)、诺福克岛(NF)、图瓦鲁(TV)、法属波利尼西亚(PF)、叙利亚(SY)、阿鲁巴(AW)、柬埔寨(KH)、法属圭亚那(GF)、Eritrea(ER)、佛德角(CV)、布隆迪(BI)、贝宁(BJ)、波斯

Mammary gland bioreactor:乳腺生物反应器

颌下腺乙酸:submaxillary gland acetic acid | 乳腺生物反应器:Mammary gland bioreactor | 乳腺反应器:mammary gland bioreactor

callose synthetase:愈伤葡聚糖合成酶

callose|胼胝质,愈伤葡聚糖 | callose synthetase|愈伤葡聚糖合成酶 | callus|胼胝体,愈伤组织;胼胝