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in short相关的网络解释

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与 in short 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

maunder move in a dreamy, aimless way:徘徊

42. march move with a regular, measured gait, in step with others; proceed with... | 43. maunder move in a dreamy, aimless way徘徊 | 44. mince walk with short steps in a dainty, affected manner迈着小步...

(30) Compared with skilled workers, ordinary labourers are bigger in number:(在数目上)

(28) Some Asian countries are now short in supply and call for inter... | (29) Betty is very careful in speaking... | (30) Compared with skilled workers, ordinary labourers are bigger in number.(在数目上)

(30) Compared with skilled workers, ordinary labourers are bigger in number:(在数目上) [本文点击数

(28) Some Asian countries are now short in supply and call ... | (29) Betty is very careful in spe... | (30) Compared with skilled workers, ordinary labourers are bigger in number.(在数目上) [本文点击数:]

put simply:简言之

优点advantage; strength; strong point; merit; benefit | 简言之put simply; in short; in brief; in a nutshell | 特别是especially; more than others; particularly; in particular

put simply:繁言之

长处advantage; strength; strong point; merit; benefit | 繁言之put simply; in short; in brief; in a nutshell | 分外是especially; more than others; particularly; in particular

in the soup:在困境中

in the short run 从短期看 | in the soup 在困境中 | in the spirits 在内心

in a small way:小规模地

in a short time 不久 | in a small way 小规模地 | in a snap 立刻

in a knife brawl in the Quarter's most notorious brothel:一次持械斗殴中,哥哥杀死了弟弟朱利安

A short time later, the betrayed husband kills his ... | ...in a knife brawl in the Quarter's most notorious brothel.|一次持械斗殴中,哥哥杀死了弟弟朱利安. | -The incident ruled self-defense. -And soon...

in bad time:误时, 迟到

in a short time 很快地 | in bad time 误时, 迟到 | in double-quick time 非常快地

in bad time:迟到,误时

92. in a short time 短时间地,很快地 | 93. in bad time 迟到,误时 | 94. in double-quick time 很快地

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Smart Woman (In A Real Short Skirt)
Short Dog's In The House

hunt for:搜寻;寻找;追猎

how about? ...如何?...怎么样? | hunt for 搜寻;寻找;追猎 | hurry up (使)赶快;迅速完成

cold light mirror:冷光

cold light 冷光 | cold light mirror 冷光 | cold mirror 冷反射镜

ligamentum arteriosum:肺动脉干

心包 pulmonary trunk | 肺动脉干 ligamentum arteriosum | 髂总动脉 internal iliac artery