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in short相关的网络解释

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与 in short 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Short Track Speed Skating:短道速滑比赛

奥运金牌零的突破 to win the first ever gold medal in Olympic Games | 短道速滑比赛 short-track speed skating | 金镶玉 gold inlaid with jade

short spiky hair:寸头

crew cut平头 | short spiky hair寸头 | parted in the middle 中分

stop short of:差一点就

in return for 作为对...的回报 | stop short of 差一点就... | preside over 主持,主管

Imust stop short of thee the whole day long:我须终日警惕 却步于你的周围

But it must never, never come in sight 但它万万不可... | Imust stop short of thee the whole day long 我须终日警惕 却步于你的周围 | But when sleep comes to close each difficult day 而 当睡眠来结束每个艰...

to make / cut a long story short:简而言之

In a word 总之 | To make (cut) a long story short,... 简而言之 | Everything considered,... 总而言之

short-term training course:培训班

In-serve training course 在职进修班 | Short-term training course 培训班 | Seminar 研习班

True to form, he was already falling far short of her high expectations:一如往常 它已经远低于她的高期望

That night, I took Susan Sharon to meet the new male in Charlotte... | True to form, he was already falling far short of her high expectations.|一如往常 它已经远低于她的高期望 | He did it a minute ago....

I am short of breath:我呼吸短短地

我有呼吸困難. I have a difficulty in breathing. | 我呼吸短短地. I am short of breath. | 我呼吸喘喘地. I am wheezing.

Go short:空头

Go on margin 买垫头 | Go short 空头 | In margin 作垫头

go there for a short stay:去那儿作短暂停留

26.people who study Geography研究地理的人 | 27.go there for a short stay去那儿作短暂停留 | 28.live in large cages 住在大笼子里

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Smart Woman (In A Real Short Skirt)
Short Dog's In The House

hunt for:搜寻;寻找;追猎

how about? ...如何?...怎么样? | hunt for 搜寻;寻找;追猎 | hurry up (使)赶快;迅速完成

cold light mirror:冷光

cold light 冷光 | cold light mirror 冷光 | cold mirror 冷反射镜

ligamentum arteriosum:肺动脉干

心包 pulmonary trunk | 肺动脉干 ligamentum arteriosum | 髂总动脉 internal iliac artery