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in short相关的网络解释

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与 in short 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My short skirt, believe it or not:我的短裙,信不信由你

in the new court. 这一条决不能成立. | My short skirt, believe it or not 我的短裙,信不信由你 | has nothing to do with you. 我的短裙,和你没关系

Chase,were you wearing your short shorts?|Chace:你穿内裤了吗

What makes a guy start drooling?|什么让一个家伙开始流口水 | Chase,were you wearing your short shorts?|Chace,你穿内裤了吗? | Muscle fatigue in his neck and jaw.|他的脖子和腭部肌肉无力

Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction, Jonathan Culler:这套牛津通识读本的小书真是不错,言简意赅,语言优美,原文和翻译都很棒

5. Literary Theory: An In... | 6. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction, Jonathan Culler. 这套牛津通识读本的小书真是不错,言简意赅,语言优美,原文和翻译都很棒 | 7. Gardner's Art Through the Ages: the...

either...or, ...or...,whether...or:选择

(13)让步: though, although, even if/ though, however | (14)选择:either...or, ...or...,whether...or... | (15)结论:in general, in a word, in short, in all, in brief, on the whole, as far as I know

Don't go into details. Make it short and simple:不必详述,简单扼要说一下

Now you make some suggestions, beginning with "How about...?" 现在你提一些... | Don't go into details. Make it short and simple. 不必详述,简单扼要说一下. | Can you sum it up in a few words ? 你可以用几...

in the long run:in the final analysis or outcome:从长远看,从最终结果来看

in the short term从眼前的观点看 | in the long run:in the final analysis or outcome从长远看,从最终结果来看 | WTO entry加入世界贸易组织

in the short run:在不久的将来

2647in the same boat处境相同,面临同样的危险 | 2648in the short run在不久的将来 | 2649in the wake of随着,紧跟着


C 第三层次: Third, Thirdly, Besides, In addition, Furtherm... | 最后一点: Last, Lastly, Finally, In the last place, Last of all, Shortly, Briefly, In short/brief | 简言之: In a word, In summary, To sum...

Short-stacked and long odds against, all their outs gone:短期的大赢和长期的胜败, 他们都出局了

[Mike Narrating] I've often seen these people, these squares, a... | Short-stacked and long odds against, all their outs gone,|短期的大赢和长期的胜败, 他们都出局了, | one last card in the deck that can...

on such short notice:刚约就要件(没有给对方充裕的时间)

oh,my gosh!哎呀,天哪! | on such short notice 刚约就要件(没有给对方充裕的时间) | once-in-a-lifetime千载难逢(的好时机)

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Smart Woman (In A Real Short Skirt)
Short Dog's In The House



Faeroe Islands:法鲁群岛

Falkland Islands 福克兰群岛 | Faeroe Islands 法鲁群岛 | Fiji Islands 斐济群岛

Eversharp - Doric:無出其右的好筆

幸運曲管 Lucky Curve | 無出其右的好筆 Eversharp - Doric | 世界紀錄的突破 Dunhill - Namiki