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in short相关的网络解释

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与 in short 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

go there for a short stay:去那作短暂停留

6在中国东北 in north-east China / in the north-east of China | 7去那作短暂停留 go there for a short stay | 8捕鱼为食 catch fish for food

in their armories short of nuclear weapons:除核武外的所有武器

46. ... on the pretext of ... 以...为借口 | 48. ... in their armories short of nuclear weapons. 除核武外的所有武器 | 49. ... the multi-polarization of the world 多极化的世界

Symbolism in Porter's Short Story The Jilting of Granny Weatherall:波特短篇小说《被背弃的老祖母》中的象征意义

试析<<弗兰肯斯坦>>中维克多.弗兰肯斯坦的悲... | 波特短篇小说<<被背弃的老祖母>>中的象征意义 Symbolism in Porter's Short Story The Jilting of Granny Weatherall | 中国与英语语言国家非语言交际的文化差异 Cult...

short tons:短吨

short form bill of lading 简式提单 | short tons 短吨 | shortage in weight 重量不足

In this short time, the flower:晓得 Yes. 这些时把少 人如花貌

待我画描 I will make a rendering. | 晓得 Yes. 这些时把少 人如花貌 In this short time, the flower | 多时憔悴 of youth has withered away.

The hummocks you sleep in with the pine trees short and young:短松冈

料得年年肠断处, What makes me heart broken one year after another arou... | 明月夜, The night with the moon brightly shining up... | 短松冈. The hummocks you sleep in with the pine trees short and young.

When the bank teller counted the money in her drawer, she came up ten dollars short:当银行出纳数她抽屉里的钱的时候,她发现少了十美元

12/4:Billy shared some of his... | 13/4:When the bank teller counted the money in her drawer, she came up ten dollars short. 当银行出纳数她抽屉里的钱的时候,她发现少了十美元. | 14/4: The company presid...

Driving around in that broken-down, no-account short:开着一辆不值钱的破车招摇

- what is that? - a big-time recording artist like little walter|-那是啥 -像小沃... | Driving around in that broken-down, no-account short.|开着一辆不值钱的破车招摇 | - let me out. - hold on, son.|-让我...

l was 5 bucks short in the collection plate. Why:还舍不得往募捐箱里放上5块钱 是不是

l didn't go to church enough, l didn't pray enough. . .|因为去教堂... | . . .l was 5 bucks short in the collection plate. Why?|还舍不得往募捐箱里放上5块钱 是不是? | You are going to die young. . .|你这...

We're short one scullery maid in the kitchen:厨房还缺个人洗碗

It's an absence felt most terribly.|少了你真的不行... | We're short one scullery maid in the kitchen.|厨房还缺个人洗碗. | I don't want you to be up here when you've been drinking.|以后你最好别喝了酒再上...

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Smart Woman (In A Real Short Skirt)
Short Dog's In The House



Faeroe Islands:法鲁群岛

Falkland Islands 福克兰群岛 | Faeroe Islands 法鲁群岛 | Fiji Islands 斐济群岛

Eversharp - Doric:無出其右的好筆

幸運曲管 Lucky Curve | 無出其右的好筆 Eversharp - Doric | 世界紀錄的突破 Dunhill - Namiki