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in short相关的网络解释

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与 in short 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a short shrift:临终忏悔

a short cut 捷径 | a short shrift 临终忏悔 | a shot in the arm 刺激因素

a short shrift:临终忏悔, 临死前的短暂时间

a short cut | 近路, 捷径 | a short shrift | 临终忏悔, 临死前的短暂时间 | a shot in the arm | 麻醉皮下注射, 兴奋剂, 刺激因素

stop just short of:差一点就

6.in the heart of... 处于重要的位置 | 7.stop just short of... 差一点就...... | 8.send in... 派遣

to fall short, suffer loss, run into deficit:虧欠,虧損,虧折

Vb. suffix.In half, apart, off: 切斷,割斷,截斷 cut off ... | to fall short, suffer loss, run into deficit: 虧欠,虧損,虧折 kui1qian4, kui1sun3, kui1zhe2, etc.↓; | 吃虧 suffer loss in transaction, be sho...

The printing press is a machine that can make lots of books in a short time:印刷机是一种能在短时间内钱出许多书的机器

078.I'll leava a message on his de... | 079.The printing press is a machine that can make lots of books in a short time. 印刷机是一种能在短时间内钱出许多书的机器. | 080.He felt lonely when he wsa alon...

squat: a. ungracefully short or low and thick:粗胖的

huddle: v. to (cause to) crowd together, in a group or in a pile.挤作... | squat: a. ungracefully short or low and thick 粗胖的 | reverie: n.fml. (a state of) pleasant thoughts and dreams while awake.白...

short unloaded:短卸

Short Delivery 短交 | Short Unloaded短卸 | Lost in Transit短失

Unobvious Effects of Land Value-added Tax in a Short Term:土地增值税效果短期内不明显

房地产宏观调控须从全球角度理解 Globally Understand National Ma... | 土地增值税效果短期内不明显 Unobvious Effects of Land Value-added Tax in a Short Term | 房价不单纯是供求问题 The House Price is Not Ju...

The short form of the creed is Ekonkar Satgur Prasad as used in the Guru Granth Sahib:短期形式的信條是Ekonkar Satgur普拉薩德中所用大師格蘭斯希卜

By the grace of the Guru, the Si... | The short form of the creed is Ekonkar Satgur Prasad as used in the Guru Granth Sahib.短期形式的信條是Ekonkar Satgur普拉薩德中所用大師格蘭斯希卜. | Core Beliefs o...

They lay about in the shade and rested for a short while:他们分散在树阴下休息了一会儿

lie about散开: | They lay about in the shade and rested for a short while. 他们分散在树阴下休息了一会儿. | lie all sb.'s door(过失、罪责等)归于某人:

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Smart Woman (In A Real Short Skirt)
Short Dog's In The House

Algonquin College:阿耳冈昆学院

Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology offering degree programs开设应用艺术和技术的学位课程的学院 | Algonquin College 阿耳冈昆学院 | Centennial College 百年纪念学院

biological purification:生物净化

biological potential 生物电位 | biological purification 生物净化 | biological self-purification 生物自净作用


"超管线的","superpipelined" | "重叠振铃","superposed" | "重叠电路","superposed circuit"