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in one相关的网络解释

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与 in one 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a kick in one's gallop:异想天开

a Judas kiss 口蜜腹剑 | a kick in one's gallop 异想天开 | a kick in the teeth 突然的挫折

have nothing in one:不足道, 无可取 没有个性

go for very little 落得一场空,劳而无功 | have nothing in one 不足道, 无可取 没有个性 | have nothing in common 毫无共同之处

You give a thousand Euros to somebody in one city:给某个城市的某个人一千欧元

They transferred the funds for the Spain bombing the Middle Eastern wa... | You give a thousand Euros to somebody in one city|给某个城市的某个人一千欧元 | and their cousin or uncle pays it in the...|他...

All feet tread not in one shoe:众口难调

17、 A prophet is not without honor save in his own country. 远来的和尚好念经. | 18、 All feet tread not in one shoe. 众口难调. | 19、 A uncut gem does not sparkle. 玉不琢,不成器.

All feet tread not in one shoe:所有的脚不能穿一种鞋--众口难调

A prophet is not without honor save in his own country.先知在他自己的国家没有... | All feet tread not in one shoe. 所有的脚不能穿一种鞋--众口难调. | A uncut gem does not sparkle.没有切磨的宝石不会闪光...

All feet tread not in one shoe:同心协力

? A prophet is not without honor save in his own country. 遥来的战尚好思经. | ? All feet tread not in one shoe. 同心协力. | ? A uncut gem does not sparkle. 玉没有琢,不败器.

All feet tread not in one shoe:科技英语翻译方法

. a prophet is not without honor save in his own country. 远来的和尚好念经. | . all feet tread not in one shoe. 科技英语翻译方法. | . a uncut gem does not sparkle. 玉不琢,不成器.

Twice in one week:一个礼拜两次

Come all the way to Atlantic City just to see your mugs, huh?|从大老远来大西洋... | Twice in one week.|一个礼拜两次. | For someone who don't play, you spend a lot of time in card rooms.|对于一个不常玩牌...

He testifies in one month:我才能安排

- You will be. 长话短说,我要 知道日期和时间 | - He testifies in one month. 我才能安排 | - Then you'll be out in plenty of time. 我还不确定是否应该相信你

in one's seventies:七老八十

059. 七嘴八舌,七言八語 all talking in confusion or offering different opinions; | 060. 七老八十 in one's seventies | 062. 七竅生煙 fumigate with anger

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Come Back In One Piece
4 Seasons In One Day
In One Ear
Four Seasons In One Day
I'm Putting All My Eggs In One Basket
Hole In One
Life In One Day
All In One Day
In One Door
One Foot On The Gas, One Foot In The Grave

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制