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in fine相关的网络解释

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与 in fine 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

having champagne with you fine people:跟你们共饮香槟

here I am on the grandest ship in the world...|现在却在这豪华巨轮 | having champagne with you fine people.|跟你们共饮香槟 | I'll take some more of that.|再来一点

Fine, thanks. And you:很好,谢谢. 您好吗

3、How are you?您好吗? | Fine, thanks. And you?很好,谢谢. 您好吗? | 5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快.

an appropriate amount of fine-tuning:适度微调

适度从紧的财政政策moderately tight fiscal policy | 适度微调an appropriate amount of fine-tuning | 实干be steadfast and earnest in one's work; get right on the job

forego the fine of one half of his goods:我放弃他那一半的财产

So please my lord the Duke and all the court|那么公... | forego the fine of one half of his goods.|我放弃他那一半的财产 | I am content so he will let me use the other half, in trust,|只要他愿意让我托管...

B:It's fine.(cloudy, snowy, windy, rainy:天气晴朗

33.A:What's the weather like today?/How is the weather?今天天气怎样? | B:It's fine.(cloudy, snowy, windy, rainy...) 天气晴朗. | 34.A:What is the climate like in your country?你们国家气候怎样?

Old Jedediah will be fine:老杰迪戴亚不会有事

Ain't no time for your Roman melodrama! Now, get! Go!|现在不是演罗马连续剧 快跑,马上! | Old Jedediah will be fine.|老杰迪戴亚不会有事 | Now, you're in real trouble.|好了,你麻烦大了

I think you heard me just fine, punchy:你听得很清楚了 秃子

What was that?|再说一遍 | I think you heard me just fine, punchy|你听得很清楚了 秃子 | Vincent Vega's in the house? My nigger Get your ass over here|文生来了? 好兄弟 给我过来

Replete with fine food, clothing:上馔妙衣服

Eight tala trees in height, 高八多罗树 | Replete with fine food, clothing, 上馔妙衣服 | And bedding, wherein 床卧皆具足

The Tate Gallery has a fine collection of modern pictures:塔特美术馆收藏了一批很好的现代绘画

He collects stamps and has a very good collection. 他集邮... | The Tate Gallery has a fine collection of modern pictures. 塔特美术馆收藏了一批很好的现代绘画. | The Roman coin is in his collection. 他的...

Titrate to systolic less than 140. She'll be fine:直到收缩压降到140 她会没事的

It's a hypertensive crisis. Start her on an IV Lopressor drip.|高血压危象... | Titrate to systolic less than 140. She'll be fine.|直到收缩压降到140 她会没事的 | House: Cameron, meet me in my office.|Cam...

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(Come On In) The Whiskey's Fine

weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory