英语人>网络解释>ill-educated 相关的网络解释

查询词典 ill-educated

与 ill-educated 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Firstly he was a father:首先他慈爱如父

Firstly he was a father. 首先他慈爱如父, | When he was ill,当他生病时, | Needing your care.你要用心照顾他.

A word fitly spoken:一句话说得合宜

你的臭名就难以脱离. and your ill repute will have no end. | 11 一句话说得合宜,A word fitly spoken | 就如金苹果在银网子里. is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.

flag label:旗唛

ill fitting 不合身 | flag label 旗唛 | flameproof fabric 防火布


ill-quan:朱藻的石墙(50). | foreknowledge:叶雪的占卜入门(30). | chanting:少林藏经阁的贝叶经(100).

In life, as in chess, forethought wins:人生如下棋,多谋得胜利

In good years corn is hay, in ill years straw is co... | In life, as in chess, forethought wins 人生如下棋,多谋得胜利. | In life's earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say...


难以处理的ILL | 难以对待的fractious | 难以根除之祸害Hydra


censure 指责,训斥 | fraudulent 欺骗性的 | ill-gotten 非法获得的

If you want a pretence to whip a dog, say that he ate up the frying-pan:欲加之罪, 何患无辞

help a lame dog over a stile 济人之急, 帮... | If you want a pretence to whip a dog, say that he ate up the frying-pan. 欲加之罪, 何患无辞. | It is ill to waken sleeping dogs. / Let sleeping dogs lie....

Further Study:深造

further study---深造 | 13,ill person---罪恶的人 | sick person---生病的人

You are really a thick-skinned and gate-crasher:不速之客

不偏不倚 You should believe that the judge held the scales eve... | 不速之客 You are really a thick-skinned and gate-crasher. | 不義之財 Don't be envious. Ill-gotten money comes easily and goes easily ...

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Don't Make Me Ill
Ill With Want
Time To Get Ill
Ill Wind
Ill Wind
Ill Lit Ships
Ill Connect
Ill Na Na
Ill Vibe
Ill Wind


unrounded 非圆唇的 | unruffled 不混乱的 | unruffled 不骚动的

take the size of:量...啲大小(尺寸)

单程票 single ticket | 量...啲大小(尺寸) take the size of | 偷偷塞给某人一张纸条 slip a note into one's hand

Regional conventions:区域*公约

危险废物运输的事先通告 Prior notification for hazardous waste transport | 区域*公约 Regional conventions | 技术转让 Technology transfer