英语人>网络解释>ill-educated 相关的网络解释

查询词典 ill-educated

与 ill-educated 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ominous, boding ill, portentous:恶兆的

22. 吉兆的 Propitious - auspicious | 恶兆的 Ominous, boding ill, portentous | 23. 好斗的 Pugnacious - bellicose, belligerent

auspicious - boding ill:吉祥的 - 不吉祥的

54. augment - decrease 增加 - 减少 | 55. auspicious - boding ill 吉祥的 - 不吉祥的 | 56. aversion - court 厌恶 - 对女性献殷勤

And that bodes ill by all accounts:这是厄运之兆

A virgin too, likely as not.|她还是个处女,可... | And that bodes ill by all accounts.|这是厄运之兆 | I say that we throw the dress overboard and we hope the spirit follows it.|我建议我们把这衣服丢下海 ...

by good luck / by ill luck:侥幸/不幸

我有急事 I'll something pressing | 侥幸/不幸 by good luck / by ill luck | 我也这么认为 I will say

Ill call the roll before class:课前我要点名

20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页. | 21. Ill call the roll before class. 课前我要点名. | 22. Here! 到!

Capriciousness ; Ill-bumour:心境变态

酪度大麻癖 Cannabinomania | 心境变态 Capriciousness ; Ill-bumour | 心病恐怖 Cardiophobia

Capriciousness; Ill-humour:心境变态

"印度大麻癖","Cannabinomania" | "心境变态","Capriciousness; Ill-humour" | "心病恐怖","Cardiophobia"

Ill Carry You Down:我會背妳下去

4. Where Are Ours? 我們的在哪裡? | 5. Ill Carry You Down 我會背妳下去 | 6. Thinking Back 回憶

choleric - ill-tempered:易怒的

356) chivalrous - honorable 有武士风度的,侠义的 | 357) choleric - ill-tempered 易怒的 | 358) choreography - art of the dance 舞蹈术, 舞台舞蹈

Chronically Ill:长期病患者

chronic sickness allowance 疗养津贴 | chronically ill 长期病患者 | Chu Ting Cheong Home for the Aged [Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society] 朱定昌颐养院(乐善堂)

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Don't Make Me Ill
Ill With Want
Time To Get Ill
Ill Wind
Ill Wind
Ill Lit Ships
Ill Connect
Ill Na Na
Ill Vibe
Ill Wind


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,