英语人>网络解释>if-expression 相关的网络解释

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与 if-expression 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

if I dare say:我认为

His crew was reduced to twenty-four all told. 他的船员减少到总共只有二十四人. | 1. if I dare say我认为...... | You shouldn't, if I dare say, do it like that. 我认为你不应该那样做.

if and only ififf:当且仅当;若且仅若

identity relation 恒等关系式 | if and only ififf 当且仅当;若且仅若 | if..., then 若....则;如果.....则

Marriage Certificate, if any:本人的结婚证

本人的出生证明 Birth Certificate or its equivalent | 本人的结婚证 Marriage Certificate, if any | 配偶的出生证明 Birth Certificate of spouse, if any

if anything:如果有...的话,很有可能,甚至于还

home and abroad国内外 | if anything如果有...的话,很有可能,甚至于还... | if only要是,只是;要是...多好

if anything:若有区别的话

hold water (容器等)盛得住水/站得住脚 | if anything 若有区别的话 | if necessary 如果必要的话

if it were not for:要不是,假使没有

as the word goes照习惯讲 | if it were not for要不是,假使没有 | if it had not been far若不是,若没有

if it were not for; but for:要不是

明年next year | 要不是if it were not for, but for | 要是没有if it were not for, but for

if it were not for; but for:要是没有

要不是if it were not for, but for | 要是没有if it were not for, but for | 要不要"want or not,whether or not "

if necessary alone:如果你要 就孤军奋战

if necessary for years,|如果必要 就进行持久战 | if necessary alone.|如果你要 就孤军奋战 | Even though large tracts of Europe|尽管欧洲大片土地

if not for your yearning eays:若不是你渴望眼睛

却换来半生回忆 only traded for memories of my life | 若不是你渴望眼睛 if not for your yearning eays | 若不是我救赎心情 if not for my redemption sense

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If It Ain't Broke, Fix It Anyway
If Only
If I Can't Have You
Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't)
If You See Him / If You See Her
If You Do, If You Don't
If If Was A 5th
Damned If You Do, Dead If You Don't
If You See Him / If You See Her
(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To

go to the theatre:去剧院

一位老人an old man | 去剧院go to the theatre | 去那边go there

Bram Stokers Dracula:[吸血惊情四百年]

此外还有中国香港、日本等地拍的几部烂片--一直到92年科波拉(Francis Ford Coppola)的<<吸血惊情四百年>>(Bram Stokers Dracula)石破天惊,一举重写罗马尼亚历史,标志着吸血鬼影片在90年代之后的复兴.

Streusel Cannelle:肉桂麵糖

榛實餡 Creme Noisette | 肉桂麵糖 Streusel Cannelle | 夾心餡 Garniture