英语人>网络解释>humoring 相关的网络解释

查询词典 humoring

与 humoring 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Humor me. No direct contact with humans. That would be the rule:别跟我争 他们的约定是不能直接涉足人间

l'd tell you to stay on your meds... | Humor me. No direct contact with humans. That would be the rule.|别跟我争 他们的约定是不能直接涉足人间 | -Just influence. See who would win. -Okay, l'm humoring y...

Humoring you for no reason:无端猜测

cot 折叠床 | Humoring you for no reason. 无端猜测 | this is a personal vendetta. 这完全是报私仇

Humoring you for no reason, why:无端猜疑?为什么

...and Robertson's covering it up.|罗伯森企图掩盖. . . | Humoring you for no reason, why?|无端猜疑?为什么? | The same old why! How much money is there in robots?|又是为什么!那些机器人能赚多少钱?

Why are you humoring him? Stop it:你为什么要跟他聊天? 别再说了

...I'll be over there with Native American Joe Pesci.|我会在那里跟印地安人... | Why are you humoring him? Stop it.|你为什么要跟他聊天? 别再说了 | You know what, there's an empty table over there.|那边有...

Bull's boys are humoring him:大牛的弟兄只是在迁就他

What are you saying?|强尼,你在说什么... | Bull's boys are humoring him?|大牛的弟兄只是在迁就他? | Like whenever he gives out some of his folksy wisdom from back down on the farm.|对,就象是当他传授所谓的...

you know, you don't have to keep humoring me like this:你没必要总是这么迁就我

DAN: Next we Well...|- 下周见? - 其实... | ...you know, you don't have to keep humoring me like this|你没必要总是这么迁就我 | If you got a hot date or something...|如果你有个热辣的约会对象之类的...

Just influence. See who would win. -Okay, l'm humoring you:只能施加影响,最后看谁能赢 - 好吧,我不跟你争

Humor me. No direct contact with humans. That would be the r... | -Just influence. See who would win. -Okay, l'm humoring you.|- 只能施加影响,最后看谁能赢 - 好吧,我不跟你争 | -Why? -Who knows.|- 可是为...


sanctionative:认可的 (形)

sanction 认可; 赞许; 批准; 支持 (动) | sanctionative 认可的 (形) | sanctity 圣洁; 崇高; 虔诚; 神圣 (名)


sgsg 酚酞/酝酿 | sows 核糖体/楼体 | stbb 梅耶/格子

protoxylem pole:原生木质部极

原生木质部 protoxylem | 原生木质部极 protoxylem pole | 木质部岛 xylem island