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与 hi 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CID:Crying In Disgrace:丢脸的哭

? RE:Hi Again(同Re's),再度回到聊天室 | ? CID:Crying In Disgrace 丢脸的哭 | ?KOTC:Kiss On The Cheek 亲脸颊

And further downtown, Samantha was in hot pursuit... of the hot woman doctor:随后在市中心,莎曼珊则对 这位大牌女医生紧追不舍

It's a deathtrap. We're gonna strap a pillow around... | And further downtown, Samantha was in hot pursuit... of the hot woman doctor.|随后在市中心,莎曼珊则对 这位大牌女医生紧追不舍 | Hi. I'm Samantha ...

investment in labor:劳务出资

非专有技术出资 investment in non-patent technology | 劳务出资 investment in labor | 高新技术成果出资 investment in hi-tech achievements

Walking the incontinent dog:出去遛一条不听话的狗

- Your wife's father? - Hit-and-run.|- 你岳父? - 交通肇事逃逸 | Walking the incontinent dog.|出去遛一条不听话的狗 | Uh, hi. Do you guys deliver?|嗨, 你们送外卖吗?

Studying tirelessly and enlightening others indefatigably:学而不厌,诲人不倦

15. 听其言,观其行.Watching a man's action after listening to hi... | 16. 学而不厌,诲人不倦.Studying tirelessly and enlightening others indefatigably. | 17. 过犹不及.Going too far is the same as falling...

Inez, look at me, please:恩内斯,请你看着我

Hi, my name is Ben Thomas. I'm here to see Stewart Goodman.|本.托马斯,我找斯图尔特.古德曼先生 (美国财政部... | Inez, look at me, please.|恩内斯,请你看着我 | Inez. I'm speaking to you.|恩内斯,我在跟你说话...

INF INTERFERE:建立两个或多个实体的干涉实体

HI HIDE 消隐 | INF INTERFERE 建立两个或多个实体的干涉实体 | IN INTERSECT 交集


这里笔者给大家谈一谈胆机的输出牛及其业余测试方法,让大家对"牛"有一个定性的了解和认识,也让 输出牛 不在那么"牛气". 一颗理想的Hi-FI输出牛要求其: 1.初级电感(pri-inductor)为无穷大(infinite),以应付很低的低频信号; 2.漏感(leakage)为零...

Wow! Talk about an inhospitable environment:糟糕!说的话还真不受欢迎

Because we love you, Dr. Connelly, but we don't want you to be our child... | Wow! Talk about an inhospitable environment.|糟糕!说的话还真不受欢迎 | Hi. Okay, you ready to go pick up Phoebe and go shop...

to innovate:更新

高新技术 hi-tech | 更新 to innovate | 广阔视野 to broaden the vision

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Hi-Fi Serious
Hi De Ho
Hi-Fi Killer
Hi Lili, Hi Lo
Hi Low
Hi And Goodbye
Venus (Marc Almond's Hi NRG Showgirls Mix)
Hi-Lili, Hi-Lo
Hi Hi
Hi, Hi, Hi


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,