英语人>网络解释>hi 相关的网络解释
与 hi 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其中的每一种鼓声音色都可以通过一系列参数包括音量、相位移动、静音、独奏、音色预听、音色选择、变调、衰减、高通滤波器低通滤波器等来控制和调节. 另外,其所具有的两个"窒息"(choke)群还能够提供类似于hi-hat开/关等的效果器.

Cigar Lighter:除霜器

quarter window 仪表板 Mwb~Pq$d | cigar lighter 除霜器 7CF:{- +i | defroster 防雾装置 Hi.<DIqf

vacuum circuit breaker:真空断路器

真空断路器(Vacuum Circuit Breaker)适用于高压回路,具有用于一般负荷的LVB系列和用于发电所的Hi-Mec系列

You can't convict a man of a crime on circumstantial evidence alone:不能靠旁证就判定一个人有罪

1294.She still feels a bit wonky after that a... | 1295.You can't convict a man of a crime on circumstantial evidence alone.不能靠旁证就判定一个人有罪. | 1296.The mother felt contrite after she had hi...

Classy, huh:高级,不是吗

Everyone!|大家一起来! | Classy, huh?|高级,不是吗? | Hi, Chandler Bing. I have a reservation.|嗨,我是钱德宝,我有订房

cleaning cloth:(擦拭布)

Hi-Fi Earphone (高保真耳机) | Cleaning cloth (擦拭布) | Original 1200mAh Lithium Ion Battery (原装锂电池)

One of these will close in on Zarya:空间站组件的其中之一 将随航天飞机升入太空并靠近曙光号

They're more like hi-tech delivery trucks... | One of these will close in on Zarya...|空间站组件的其中之一 将随航天飞机升入太空并靠近曙光号... | then the crew will grab it with the shuttle's arm.|然后宇...

I don't know howyou could like this clunky wood. It's oppressive:你怎么会喜欢这种笨重的木头 好有压迫感

but in those fantasies I was running into them with a truck.|不... | I don't know howyou could like this clunky wood. It's oppressive.|你怎么会喜欢这种笨重的木头 好有压迫感 | - What the fuck? - Hi.|这是...

Fucking dog, fucking coach, fucking Americans:他妈的狗,他妈的二等舱 他妈的美国人

His hair plugs can't hurt you.|他的... | Fucking dog, fucking coach, fucking Americans!|他妈的狗,他妈的二等舱 他妈的美国人! | Hi. Oh, I'm really sorry about first class. Let me see if I can help...|哦,对...

Well, I probably won't spill coffee grounds all over the kitchen floor:我大概不会把咖啡粉洒了一地

Okay, I'm going to make you some coffee.|我要替你煮咖... | Well, I probably won't spill coffee grounds all over the kitchen floor.|我大概不会把咖啡粉洒了一地 | Hi. I got you some coffee to..|嘿,咖啡来了...

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Hi-Fi Serious
Hi De Ho
Hi-Fi Killer
Hi Lili, Hi Lo
Hi Low
Hi And Goodbye
Venus (Marc Almond's Hi NRG Showgirls Mix)
Hi-Lili, Hi-Lo
Hi Hi
Hi, Hi, Hi


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,