英语人>网络解释>her. 相关的网络解释
与 her. 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her dignity:她失去了镇定

her dignity. 她失去了镇定. | She is timid and completely at a loss what to do. 她羞臊得不知所措. | Yak, yak, yak. 哇哇哇!(好像是装出呕吐的样子)

who is about to show me her diptych:这位乔万娜教授正要给我看她的双折画

...equally serene and equally beautiful Professore Giovana Dabrache.|...相当平静相当美丽 | who is about to show me her diptych.|这位乔万娜教授正要给我看她的双折画 | Oh. Shame.|哦,真丢脸

with her disagreeably pleasant laugh:(她)自鸣得意却令人讨厌地笑起来

9.dove-feather'd raven披着白鸽羽毛的乌鸦 | 10.with her disagreeably pleasant laugh(她)自鸣得意却令人讨厌地笑起来 | 11.an honorable villain体面的恶棍

Her scheme crashed disastrously:她的计划惨败

His business crashed last year. 他的买卖去年倒闭. | Her scheme crashed disastrously. 她的计划惨败. | There was an airplane crash last week. 上周有架飞机坠毁.

Her displeasure was obvious:她的不悦是显而易见的

He failed to obtain a scholarship.他没有获得奖学金. | Her displeasure was obvious.她的不悦是显而易见的. | One of the beds had obviously been slept in.其中一张床明显有人睡过.

She eyed her husband distastefully:她不满地瞟了她丈夫一眼

3 Now you're trying to feign innocence. 现在你又想装无辜... | 4 She eyed her husband distastefully. 她不满地瞟了她丈夫一眼. | 5 There isn't much point in just killing one general. 只杀个将军也没有多大作...

She was easily distinguished by her school uniform:她穿着校服很容易辨认

Can you distinguish objects at a distance? 你能够看清楚... | She was easily distinguished by her school uniform.她穿着校服很容易辨认. | You are supposed to learn to distinguish right from wrong.你们应...

I saw her do a show about, probably, a year ago:我看过她的节目 大概是一年前

Yeah, this is cool. How do you guys know each other?|... | I saw her do a show about, probably, a year ago,|我看过她的节目 大概是一年前 | - and we just started hanging out. - Started talking? Cool.|- 我...

do one's utmost to please her:尽力取悦于她

渴望得到那个博学青年的爱 desire the love of the learned youth | 尽力取悦于她 do one's utmost to please her | 苦恋着 eat one's heart for

Mary And Her Merry Dolt:玛丽和她的可爱娃娃

06 ABC,Song 字母歌 | 07 Mary And Her Merry Dolt 玛丽和她的可爱娃娃 | 08 Apple Tree 苹果树

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Squeeze Her, Tease Her
Lift Her Pull Her
To Know Her Is To Love Her
I'll Only Miss Her When I Think Of Her
If You Really Love Her, Let Her Go
I'll Only Miss Her (When I Think Of Her)
Promise Her Anything (But Give Her Love)
Tell Her You Love Her
Tell Her (You Love Her Each Day)
I'll Only Miss Her When I Think Of Her


plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

Steel Skeleton Construction:钢骨构造

"钢珠","steel shot" | "钢骨构造","steel skeleton construction" | "钢枕(铁路)","steel sleeper"

Senecio cineraria:银叶菊

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum | 银叶菊 Senecio cineraria | 97 加拿大一枝黄花 Solidago canadensis