英语人>网络解释>her. 相关的网络解释
与 her. 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

her artful wiles:她那巧妙的骗人把戏

26. The robber was shot dead resisting arrest.强盗因拘捕被击毙. | 27. her artful wiles.她那巧妙的骗人把戏. | 28. an artful photograph of a striking woman.一张颇有创造性技巧的罢工妇女照片.

He looks at her without uttering a word:他呆呆看着她,一个字都不说

What he is doing is utter stupidity. 他完全是在做傻事. | He looks at her without uttering a word. 他呆呆看着她,一个字都不说. | make use of 利用,使用

He looks at her without uttering a word:他呆呆看着她,一句话也不说

What he is doing is utter stupidity. 他完全是在做傻事. | He looks at her without uttering a word. 他呆呆看着她,一句话也不说. | make use of 利用,使用

Though Sue is a green hand, she's completely at grips with the details of her job:休虽然是生手,但她完全了解她工作的细节

green hand 生手, 没有经验的人; | Though Sue is a green hand, she's completely at grips with the details of her job. 休虽然是生手,但她完全了解她工作的细节. | green tea 绿茶

She's preman at pause but don't tell her I said so:她象是提前进入更年期了 不过别说是我说的

Oh Rachel Hoffberg Mediterranean. She's from Westb... | She's preman at pause but don't tell her I said so|她象是提前进入更年期了 不过别说是我说的 | - You're staying in that Park Suite, right, Caroline...

She presented her idea for a new product at the last sales meeting:她在一次的销售会上提出了她关于一个新产品的想法

How many people were present at the mee... | She presented her idea for a new product at the last sales meeting.她在一次的销售会上提出了她关于一个新产品的想法. | It's a pleasure doing business with yo...

Doth cause the ocean to attend upon her:发着清辉吸引大海

Look how the pale Queen of the silent night 但看那静夜中的女王 | Doth cause the ocean to attend upon her 发着清辉吸引大海; | And he as long as she is in his sight 大海看到那初升的月华

The queen was attired in blue for her birthday party:皇后身穿蓝色的服装参加她的生日宴会

3.attire: put on clothes; clothe or dress... | The queen was attired in blue for her birthday party.皇后身穿蓝色的服装参加她的生日宴会. | 4.candidate: one who wants to get a position, enter a school, ...

babysit her sister:照看她的妹妹

26. play basketball 打篮球 | 27. babysit her sister 照看她的妹妹 | 28. visit my friend 拜访我的朋友

babysit her sister:照顾她的妹妹

13. spend time with friends 和朋友度过 | 14. babysit her sister 照顾她的妹妹 | 15. relax at home 在家休息

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Squeeze Her, Tease Her
Lift Her Pull Her
To Know Her Is To Love Her
I'll Only Miss Her When I Think Of Her
If You Really Love Her, Let Her Go
I'll Only Miss Her (When I Think Of Her)
Promise Her Anything (But Give Her Love)
Tell Her You Love Her
Tell Her (You Love Her Each Day)
I'll Only Miss Her When I Think Of Her


plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

Steel Skeleton Construction:钢骨构造

"钢珠","steel shot" | "钢骨构造","steel skeleton construction" | "钢枕(铁路)","steel sleeper"

Senecio cineraria:银叶菊

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum | 银叶菊 Senecio cineraria | 97 加拿大一枝黄花 Solidago canadensis