英语人>网络解释>her. 相关的网络解释
与 her. 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Did you find her clit, Simon? What:你找到她的阴蒂了吗 西蒙? 什么

An empty fucking cave.|生活太空虚了 | Did you find her clit, Simon? What?|你找到她的阴蒂了吗 西蒙? 什么? | You know where her clit is, right?|你知道她阴蒂在哪 对吧?

Are you close with her:你跟她很熟吗

It looked like we were gonna lose her this morning, but she's a tough old bird.|她今天早上差点就过世了 但... | Are you close with her?|你跟她很熟吗? | Of course. She and I would talk all the time..|当然...

I gave her all my codpiece:遮阴片都给了她

I knew her for a whore, 我早知道她是个BIAO子, | I gave her all my codpiece, 遮阴片都给了她, | and still she wanted more! 她却还要我脱!

I gave her all my codpiece And still she wanted more:用尽浑身解数,还要重来一遍

The fattest of the virgins I knew her for a whore|处女中... | I gave her all my codpiece And still she wanted more|用尽浑身解数,还要重来一遍 | She showed me there was more ways Than one to sow my oats|花...

The car come to a halt besides her:车在她身边停下

7.She stuffed two more sweater into/in her bag.他往包里再塞入两... | 8.The car come to a halt besides her.车在她身边停下. | 9.The project come to a halt because of the shortage of money.因为资金缺乏,工...

Folks been looking at her cross-eyed ever since:人们从此从不正眼看过她

He only stayed around long enough to leave her mom in a fix.|他没有逗留多... | Folks been looking at her cross-eyed ever since.|人们从此从不正眼看过她 | I haven't been out this way in a while.|我没有走...

And cuddy listed her?|Cubby:依然将她列入名单

Her liver was shocked.|肝脏压力过大 | And cuddy listed her?|Cubby依然将她列入名单? | With all the other problems?|在如此多发症状下?

He insisted that Jennie send her to dancing school:他坚持要珍妮送她进舞蹈学校

She demanded that I pay her immediately. 她要求... | He insisted that Jennie send her to dancing school. 他坚持要珍妮送她进舞蹈学校. | He asks that he be given an opportunity to explain his case. 他要...

She helped her mother do the washing:她帮她妈妈做清洗的工作

Had he not apologize to her, she would not have forgi... | She helped her mother do the washing.^她帮她妈妈做清洗的工作. | She would have married him, but when she learned that he was a rascal, she pa...

Had dropt her silver bow:疑是银弓素箭

As if Diana, in her dreams, 在黛安娜的梦里, | Had dropt her silver bow 疑是银弓素箭, | Upon the meadows low. 洒遍了浅谷低丘.

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Squeeze Her, Tease Her
Lift Her Pull Her
To Know Her Is To Love Her
I'll Only Miss Her When I Think Of Her
If You Really Love Her, Let Her Go
I'll Only Miss Her (When I Think Of Her)
Promise Her Anything (But Give Her Love)
Tell Her You Love Her
Tell Her (You Love Her Each Day)
I'll Only Miss Her When I Think Of Her


luciferin 荧光素 | lucifugal 避光的 | lucimycin 鲁斯霉素 光明霉素

order of approximation:近似等级

金文 bell-cauldron inscription, bronze inscription | 近似等级 order of approximation | 竞争和聚合 compete and converge


人和杂食性家畜如猪、犬和猫,以及野生肉食动物,如狐、狼、狗熊、貂和海象以及鼠类等...由巴贝斯科 (Babesiidae) 的原虫所引起的一种梨形虫...由圆形动物门线虫纲(Nematoda)毛圆科(Trichost-rongylidae)血矛属 (Haemonchus)的线虫所引起的一种