英语人>网络解释>heat-regulating 相关的网络解释

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与 heat-regulating 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fever heat:高体温

高速火车,高速客车/bullet train | 高体温/fever heat | 高筒防水靴/sea boot

Less fever heat:发热少

多元件结构Multi-component structure | 发热少Less fever heat | 温升低Low Temperature Rise

foal heat:产驹热

幼驹共济失调 foal ataxia | 产驹热 foal heat | 焦点的,局部的 focal

foal heat:母马分娩后初次发情

驹;仔马 foal colt | 母马分娩后初次发情 foal heat | 产驹 foaling

Fuel as a 'Garbage Dump' for Heat:燃料是热量的垃圾堆

Death Toll from Air Crashes at All-time Low in 1999 = 航空失事... | Fuel as a 'Garbage Dump' for Heat = 燃料是热量的垃圾堆.......................3-4 | Discrepancies Discovered in Visual Inspections of A...

Great heat:大暑

白露是九月的头一个 ...大暑简介 大暑(great heat) 农历二十四节气之一. "大暑"在每年的7月23日或24日,太阳到达黄经120°. >:"六月中,......暑,热也,就热之中分为大小,月初为小,月中为大,今则热气犹大也.

Great heat:灾难:干旱

Glub Glub 灾难:洪水 | Great Heat 灾难:干旱 | Shake Shake 灾难:地震

have heat stroke:中暑

257have heart attack心脏病发作 | 258have heat stroke中暑 | 259feel a slight pain稍有些疼 =have a slight pain

heat absorption area:受热面积

受热面积 heating surface area | 受热面积 heat absorption area | 梳齿式汽封 serrate-type steam seal

specific heat capacity:比热

热力学 比热(Specific heat capacity)在常温压力下. Cp索引(Cp index)犯罪心理学 CP即Criminal Profiler的缩写,即犯罪心理侧写员,最早出现在美国联邦调查局(FBI)的行为分析科(BAU)的成员.

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Heat Of The Night
The Heat Is On
Children In Heat
The Heat Is On
Turning Up The Heat
The Heat (Outro)
The Heat
Heat Of The Night
Heat Of The Moment
The Heat Goes On

Greco-Latin square:希腊拉丁方格

Granduation of curve 曲线递合 | Greco-Latin square 希腊拉丁方格 | Grand lot 大批


斜拉器:kicking strap | 帆前角下拉索:cunningham | 调整索:outhaul


软性玩具 soft toy | 塞得过满 overstuffed | 教边 fray