英语人>网络解释>hat 相关的网络解释
与 hat 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a bad job:白费力的事

a bad hat 坏蛋 | a bad job 白费力的事 | a bad life 不道德的生活

take a drastic measure;cut the Gordian knot:一刀两断

make a mountain of a molehill;make a might fuss about nothing:小题大做 | take a drastic measure;cut the Gordian knot:一刀两断 | just as one would throw away an old hat 弃如敝屣

The coat was a real buy:这件衣服买得真划算. 这件衣服物超所值

( 4.03 )Call Mary, she can come at the drop of a hat. 给玛丽... | ( 4.02 ) The coat was a real buy. 这件衣服买得真划算. 这件衣服物超所值. | ( 4.01 )I advise you to buy out his all share of power. 我建...

A threesome in absentia:一人缺席的三人行

It was like Liz was looking over us, giving us her blessing.|感觉就像丽兹看着我们 祝福... | A threesome in absentia.|一人缺席的三人行 | I mean, my hat blew right into her headstone.|我的帽子被吹到她的墓...


该报告指出 Debian 成长在欧洲主机代管(hosting)最为显著,如 Komplex、Lycos Europe、Proxad 及 Deutsche Telecom. Red Hat 依然是网站代管上最为普遍的散布套件,不过如 1&1、Affinity 等大型代管公司已经开始提供 Red Hat 的免费版本 Fedora.


mat pat hat cat eat fat rat bat (相同字母:at) 席子(mat)拍子(pat)帽子(hat)堵,猫(cat)吃(eat)肥(fat) ......第五步 发展品牌体验 发展品牌体验是品牌战略管理的第五个步骤,品牌体验是对品牌识别进行传递从而改变目标受众的认知、态度、行为和关系的过程,

I don't think that chair is firm enough to stand on:坚实的

hat n 帽子 That is a very pretty hat. | firm adj. 坚实的 I don't think that chair is firm enough to stand on. | sweet adj. 甜的 This tea is too sweet.

The lilis along the road wilted:路边的百合早已枯萎

I lost my straw hat. 我遗失了那顶草帽. | The lilis along the road wilted.路边的百合早已枯萎. | And under that straw hat, 那顶草帽下面,


2.黑帽(Black Hat)和白帽(White Hat)搜索引擎优化的争执如火如荼. 2.目标流量(targeted traffic)开始成为人们做搜索引擎营销最为关注的流量话题. 1.JILL一如既往地认为排名(rankings)对于网站的成功影响力并不明显.

as black as night:昏黑,漆黑

as black as my hat || 漆黑的 | as black as night || 昏黑, 漆黑 | as black as one's hat || 墨黑的

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All Hat, No Cattle
Red Hat
My Own Kind Of Hat
Hard Hat And A Hammer
Hat Trick
Hat Shaped Hat
The Afternoon's Hat
Any Place I Hang My Hat Is Home
Straw Hat And Old Dirty Hank
Old Hat

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)