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与 half-baked 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That's only half the story,there's another:只讲了一半,还有一半没讲

4.That's a new story.这到是我头一次听到. | 5.That's only half the story,there's another.只讲了一半,还有一半没讲. | 6.Don't tell me stories.别唬弄我.

Look, it's your half of the story. It's your scoop:听着,那部分是你负责的,是你的独家新闻

Okay, is that the right thing to do?|好吧,这样做对... | Look, it's your half of the story. It's your scoop.|听着,那部分是你负责的,是你的独家新闻 | Your decision. Do whatever you want.|由你自己决定,随你怎...

By this time yesterday, I had already finished reading half of the story:到昨天的这个时候,我已经看了故事的一半了

8. by this time 到这时(需用过去完成时) | By this time yesterday, I had already finished reading half of the story. 到昨天的这个时候,我已经看了故事的一半了. | 9. make sure 确信

The reporter boiled the story down to half the original length:报告人把原稿压缩了一半

13. boil 压缩(篇幅) | The reporter boiled the story down to half the original length. 报告人把原稿压缩了一半. | 14. box n. 花边新闻

half tide cofferdam:部分挡潮围堰

full tide cofferdam 满潮围堰 | half-tide cofferdam 部分挡潮围堰 | ice cofferdam 冰围堰

Cofferdam,half tide:半潮位围堰

滿潮位圍堰 Cofferdam,full-tide | 半潮位圍堰 Cofferdam,half tide | 單層圍堰 Cofferdam,single-wall

tide and half tide:半续潮

tide analysis 潮汐分析 | tide and half tide 半续潮 | tide ball 报潮球

tide and half tide:半续湖

潮;潮汐 tide | 潮幅 tide amplitude | 半续湖 tide and half tide

Half time:半场

鲍伯.班福德(Bob Buford)有一本名著"人生下半场"(Half Time),这本书非常畅销达四十五万本,是基督教里最行销的书本. 书中以大量事例鼓励退休人士如何活出满有意义的下半生,并在知识、心理和心灵三方面装备了自己,从而过著丰盛和满有果实的生活.

Half time:中场休息

ranking 排名 | schedule 比赛日程 | half time 中场休息

第90/100页 首页 < ... 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 ... > 尾页
Half Past Loving You
Half-Empty Bottle
Half Of Something Else
Half Of My Mistakes
Half A Man
Half-Heaven, Half-Heartache
Half A Boy And Half A Man
Half Man, Half Machine
Half Man Half Amazin'
Half A Woman, Half A Shadow

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制