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与 had 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has had some earaches lately:(他近来耳朵有点痛. )考研书籍

His vision in the right eye blurred. (他右眼视线模糊... | He has had some earaches lately. (他近来耳朵有点痛. )考研书籍51KY.com | He has a repeated buzzing or other noises in his ears. (他耳朵常有嗡嗡的...

He has had some earaches lately:(他近耳朵有痛. )

His vision in the right eye blurred. (他右眼模糊不清. ) | He has had some earaches lately. (他近耳朵有痛. ) | He has a repeated buzzing or other noises in his ears. (他耳朵常有嗡嗡的音. )

He has had some earaches lately:(他近来耳朵有点痛. )

> <br> His vision in the right eye blurred. (他右眼视线模... | > <br> He has had some earaches lately. (他近来耳朵有点痛. ) | > <br> He has a repeated buzzing or other noises in his ears. (他耳朵常有嗡嗡...

kicked the mud off my boots, and had a New York steak with my New York ex:和我的前男友在纽约共进牛排

Four hours later, I kissed Aidan good-bye... | kicked the mud off my boots, and had a New York steak with my New York ex.|和我的前男友在纽约共进牛排 | I tried, I really did, but nature and me...|我试过...

I had to pretend other faiths:我只得假装有其他信仰

Other times, christianity was considered heresy.|在其他时代 基督教也被认为... | I had to pretend other faiths.|我只得假装有其他信仰 | And what does Jesus have to say to those present|耶稣对于那些难以相信...

This election had many firsts:这次大选创造了多项"第一

能够取得的以及必须取得的成就增添了希望 gives us hope for what we can and mu... | 这次大选创造了多项"第一" This election had many firsts | 也诞生了很多将世代流传的故事 and many stories that will be told...

I just had a five-hour lunch with James:我刚和詹姆斯 吃了五小时的午餐

- I'm sorry I'm late. - Well, it's about time.|-抱歉,我迟到了 -你也... | I just had a five-hour lunch with James.|我刚和詹姆斯 吃了五小时的午餐 | Five hour lunches, I remember those.|五小时的午餐?不用想...

Miranda had rented a five-hour Danish documentary on the Nuremberg trial:米兰达租了五小时的影片 在纽伦堡审讯的丹麦记录片

In an effort to get her mind off ... | Miranda had rented a five-hour Danish documentary on the Nuremberg trial.|米兰达租了五小时的影片 在纽伦堡审讯的丹麦记录片 | - It actually worked until... - Hey, g...

We heard some scurrying around, had a little foot race:听到了动静,我们追了过去

and we started turning on the lights.|我们就打... | We heard some scurrying around, had a little foot race.|听到了动静,我们追了过去 | It took a couple minutes, but we found him down here|过了几分钟.在这...

They forgat God their saviour, which had done great things in Egypt:忘了 神他們的救主.他曾在埃及行大事

如此將他們榮耀的主、換為喫草之牛的像.Thus they c... | 忘了 神他們的救主.他曾在埃及行大事、They forgat God their saviour, which had done great things in Egypt; | 在含地行奇事、在紅海行可畏的事. Wondrous wo...

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Everything We Had
Losing More Than You've Ever Had
If I Had You
If I Had You
If I Only Had A Heart
I Had A Feelin'
I've Had It
If I Had You
If I Had You
I Had Twins (He Had Twins)

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)