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与 had 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The doll's house had miniature tables and chairs:洋娃娃的房子里有很小的桌子和椅子

3. rag doll n.碎布制玩偶,布洋... | 1. The doll's house had miniature tables and chairs. 洋娃娃的房子里有很小的桌子和椅子. | 2. Mother gave her a doll as a gift on her birthday. 在她生日那天母亲送给她一...

A go between is more what we had in mind:你要做的不只是一个线人

So, I am to act as your spy?.|这么说来,我要去... | A go between is more what we had in mind.|你要做的不只是一个线人 | Have you thought why you were chosen to lead these talks, Professor?.|你有没有想过为...

I Had A Lime Nut Tree:我有一棵小小的坚果树

Sing A Song Of Sixpence 六便士之歌 | I Had A Lime Nut Tree 我有一棵小小的坚果树 | Jack,Be NiHlble 杰克,机灵点

We had a falling-out:我们感情不和

We don't have any other choice. 我们没有其他的选择. | We had a falling-out. 我们感情不和. | We split it, fifty-fifty. 我们平分账单.

Anyway, then they had a tremendous falling-out over this cannon we found:直到有一次,为了争一门加农炮 芬和莫伊彻底吵翻了

Almost.|也许留了后手,我不知道 | Anyway, then they had a tremendous falling-out over this cannon we found...|直到有一次,为了争一门加农炮 芬和莫伊彻底吵翻了 | On our day off.|就是我们私奔那天

Oh, they had a falling-out after the Van Der Bilt party:嗯 他们在Van Der Bilt的派对之后吵架了

Okay.|好的 | Oh, they had a falling-out after the Van Der Bilt party,|嗯 他们在Van Der Bilt的派对之后吵架了 | hadn't spoken for a week and broke up last night.|一周都没说话 昨晚分手了

had his prison term cut by a third:获减刑三分一

恳求宽大begging for leniency | 获减刑三分一had his prison term cut by a third | 大讲粗口shouting o cenities

Hello, colonel. I wasn't expecting a visit or I'd have had my men smarten up:中校,我没料到有高阶军官来 否则我会叫我的人精明点

- Major Wolenski? - He's over there... | Hello, colonel. I wasn't expecting a visit or I'd have had my men smarten up.|中校,我没料到有高阶军官来 否则我会叫我的人精明点 | How are you? Hot coffee for the...

You had a rough day. You're tense, you're keyed up:你今天过的不怎么样 又紧张又激动的

Let's start over, huh? Come on.|我们重新开始吧 来 | You had a rough day. You're tense, you're keyed up.|你今天过的不怎么样 又紧张又激动的 | You do yoga? You do yoga?|你会瑜伽么 你会瑜伽不

He's a mute. Poor devil had his tongue cut out:他是个哑巴.可怜的家伙舌头被人割了

Mr. Cotton! Answer, man!|科顿先生!请回答我! | He's a mute. Poor devil had his tongue cut out.|他是个哑巴.可怜的家伙舌头被人割了 | He trained the parrot to talk for him.|所以他训练了一只鹦鹉来代他说话

第65/100页 首页 < ... 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 ... > 尾页
Everything We Had
Losing More Than You've Ever Had
If I Had You
If I Had You
If I Only Had A Heart
I Had A Feelin'
I've Had It
If I Had You
If I Had You
I Had Twins (He Had Twins)

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)