英语人>网络解释>had 相关的网络解释
与 had 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

as if she had thought something sacrilegious:似乎她所想的东西是该受天遣的

And then, suddenly, she felt very darkened,|然后,突然,她觉得非常... | as if she had thought something sacrilegious.|似乎她所想的东西是该受天遣的 | Mmm. It's good. What's in borscht?|喂,很好,罗宋汤里面是...

A week of fantasising sex with the sandwich man had gotten to Miranda:一整个礼拜幻想与三明治^做** 让米兰达受不了了

So we stood and bubble-wrapped, the bride t... | A week of fantasising sex with the sandwich man had gotten to Miranda.|一整个礼拜幻想与三明治^做** 让米兰达受不了了 | Safe or not, she needed to see who...

My scoutmaster even said l was the best he ever had. - [ Coughs ]:我的童子军团长说 我是他见过最好的

and then goin' door to door in the summertime--whatever it t... | - My scoutmaster even said l was the best he ever had. - [ Coughs ]|-我的童子军团长说 我是他见过最好的 | - l'm fine. - Are you all righ...

Moore: Her second job had been waitressing:另一份工作是在

and at one point worked a second job.|也曾同时做过两份工作 | Moore: Her second job had been waitressing|另一份工作是在 | at a coffee shop.|咖啡店当服务生

I've had more blind dates than|a seeing eye dog. You know why:我相亲的次数比导盲犬见的盲人还多|知道原因么

I date a lot of guys.|I mean, a lo... | I've had more blind dates than|a seeing eye dog. You know why?|我相亲的次数比导盲犬见的盲人还多|知道原因么 | - I'm on tenterhooks, shoot.|- I'm looking for the r...

I had a letter from Jack Seely:我有一封信来自

I thought I served them well.|我认为我为他们做的很好 | I had a letter from Jack Seely,|我有一封信来自Jack Seely | Secretary of State for War, 1914...|战时国务卿 1914年的...

Had you said codependent or self-destructive:你若说共同独立或自我毁灭的话

Perfect might be a problem.|绝配或许是个问... | Had you said codependent or self-destructive....|你若说共同独立或自我毁灭的话... | -You want a date Saturday? -Yes, please.|-周六想要有个约会的对象吗? -当...

Gretel had lunch at a self-service restaurant yesterday:格莱托昨天在自助餐厅 吃午饭

[14:17.05] Lesson 21 A meal at a sel... | [14:23.59]Gretel had lunch at a self-service restaurant yesterday. ;格莱托昨天在自助餐厅 吃午饭. | [14:28.70]She collected a tray and joined a queue. (People q...

had no sense of proportion:缺乏冷静地分析问题的能力

Your wife, my poor, weak-minded niece,|你的妻子 我那心灵... | had no sense of proportion.|缺乏冷静地分析问题的能力 | However, I know where my duties lie. I gave her my word that I would help.|但是 我知道...

i had a serious illness:我得了重病

我的灵厌倦了原来的居所 my spirit is tired of the original home | 我得了重病 i had a serious illness | 日夜呼求你的诊治 cry for Your treatment day and night

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Everything We Had
Losing More Than You've Ever Had
If I Had You
If I Had You
If I Only Had A Heart
I Had A Feelin'
I've Had It
If I Had You
If I Had You
I Had Twins (He Had Twins)


quadruple root 四重根 | quadruplicity 四位 | quality 质 ,品质

uterine sound:子宮探子醫藥器械

7531子宮探子醫藥器械uterine sound | 7532子宮脫出醫藥新陳代內分泌prolapse | 7533子宮帽人類生育cervix cap

quenching agent:猝灭剂

quartz 石英 | quenching agent 猝灭剂 | quiescent condition 静止状态