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与 had 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These purblind Doomsters had as readily strown:半盲的法官掉以輕心地把幸福

And dicing Time for gladness casts a moan...... 時光下賭注,把悲傷當... | These purblind Doomsters had as readily strown 半盲的法官掉以輕心地把幸福 | Blisses about my pilgrimage as pain. 錯換成痛苦灑向我...

You always had a puritanical streak:你一向有清教徒的倾向

These are my clothes now.|现在起我的衣服就是这些了 | You always had a puritanical streak.|你一向有清教徒的倾向 | If I want to be one with them...|如果想成为他们的一份子

He had to push the branches aside when he climbed the mountain:当他爬山的时候,你必须把树枝推到一边

He was too tired to pull up with others. 他太累了,很难的赶上别人... | He had to push the branches aside when he climbed the mountain. 当他爬山的时候,你必须把树枝推到一边. | push forward推向前进,促进发展...

I had a crush on Dan Quayle. - We need a president in a hat:我迷恋丹奎尔 -我们需要戴帽子的总统

Look at Nixon. No one wanted to fuck him, so he ... | - I had a crush on Dan Quayle. - We need a president in a hat.|-我迷恋丹奎尔 -我们需要戴帽子的总统 | No one wears a hat anymore. FDR, good presiden...

quod erat demonstrandum Q.E.D. which had to be shown:即证

quid pro quo something given in exchange for something 交換物、替代物、報復 | quod erat demonstrandum Q.E.D. which had to be shown 即證 | sic thus 原文如此

He had a ragtag band of criminals ready to pick up the slack:让一群乌合之众来收拾这烂摊子

A lot of bad men were gonna walk. 许多恶人会逍遥法外.... | He had a ragtag band of criminals ready to pick up the slack. 让一群乌合之众来收拾这烂摊子. | He was there to see us win. 他见证了我们的成功....

No, but they had the same rallying point as us:没有,但大家的集合点一样

Did anybody from Baker Company talk about where the dropzone was?|有B连的人谈到空降区在哪吗 | No, but they had the same rallying point as us.|没有,但大家的集合点一样 | Show me.|指出来

If I had to bet, I'd lay it all on the silo being on the left of the ranch house:如果要我打赌我有把握地窖在房子左边 )

- We're gonna get made out here. - All right, shut it.... | If I had to bet, I'd lay it all on the silo being on the left of the ranch house... ( 如果要我打赌我有把握地窖在房子左边 ) | ...inside the tr...

His face had been slashed with a razor-blade:他的脸被剃须刀片划破了

12. slash猛砍, 鞭打, 砍伤, | His face had been slashed with a razor-blade. 他的脸被剃须刀片划破了 | slash his wrist 割破自己的手腕

as soon as she heard a certain someone had re-entered society:就在她听说某人又重获自由时 )

Seems the owner hit the bricks... ( 屋... | ...as soon as she heard a certain someone had re-entered society. ( 就在她听说某人又重获自由时 ) | Left in a hurry too. Even left some stuff behind. ( 匆忙地...

第48/100页 首页 < ... 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ... > 尾页
Everything We Had
Losing More Than You've Ever Had
If I Had You
If I Had You
If I Only Had A Heart
I Had A Feelin'
I've Had It
If I Had You
If I Had You
I Had Twins (He Had Twins)


quadruple root 四重根 | quadruplicity 四位 | quality 质 ,品质

uterine sound:子宮探子醫藥器械

7531子宮探子醫藥器械uterine sound | 7532子宮脫出醫藥新陳代內分泌prolapse | 7533子宮帽人類生育cervix cap

quenching agent:猝灭剂

quartz 石英 | quenching agent 猝灭剂 | quiescent condition 静止状态