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与 had 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And who could sprout up so blessedly if I had died:如果我没活下来,谁还能成长得无忧无虑

So many seeds have been sown on the field 曾播下那么多种子 | And who could sprout up so blessedly if I had died 如果我没活下来,谁还能成长得无忧无虑? | I would have never felt sad at all 我丝毫不会难过

He had blond hair:他原来是金色头

I've seen pictures of him. 我见过他的照片. | He had blond hair. 他原来是金色头 . | I've been friendly with the Stewart family 我和Stewart家有浇磺

He had blond hair:他原来是金色头发

I've seen pictures of him. 我见过他的照片. | He had blond hair. 他原来是金色头发. | I've been friendly with the Stewart family 我和Stewart家处得很好

He had blond hair:他傆來是金铯頭

I've seen pictures of him. 我見過他啲照片. | He had blond hair. 他傆來是金铯頭 . | I've been friendly with the Stewart family 我啝Stewart家有澆磺

After he has gone a short way,Blondin had to stop in order to rest:走了一小段路后,布朗丁 就不得不停下来休息

[02:45.59]The crossing was very diff... | [02:51.91]After he has gone a short way,Blondin had to stop in order to rest. ;走了一小段路后,布朗丁 就不得不停下来休息. | [02:57.29]He asked Colcord to get do...

噢 Bloodwood小姐 刚才的25分钟可真难熬啊:Oh, Ms. Bloomwood, you have had a very, very tough 25 minutes

She died.|她死了 | Oh, Ms. Bloomwood, you have had a very, very tough 25 minutes.|噢 Bloodwood小姐 刚才的25分钟可真难熬啊 | I'm glad you understand! So many people just... Right.|很高兴你明白!很多人...

you had both,and you blew it:你都有了 可你却弄砸了

i don't even have a girl friend either.|我甚至连个女性朋友都没了 | you had both,and you blew it.|你都有了 可你却弄砸了 | i did not. i did not.|我没有 我没有

We had a homely meal of bread and cheese:我们吃了一顿面包加乳酪的家常便餐

7310. I have much sympathy with those homeless peopl... | 7311. We had a homely meal of bread and cheese. 我们吃了一顿面包加乳酪的家常便餐. | 7312. How many people have accessed your homepage by now? ...

You had better bring your work to a close:你最好把你的工作做完

We brought the class to a close. 我们下课了. | You had better bring your work to a close. 你最好把你的工作做完. | The discussion has been brought to a conclusion. 讨论已完毕了.

Today, Annabelle Bronstein had multiple personalities:而今天,安娜贝尔布朗斯汀 就有了多重人格

On any given day, there are a lot of versions of "crazy" right here in... | Today, Annabelle Bronstein had multiple personalities...|而今天,安娜贝尔布朗斯汀 就有了多重人格 | and at least two accents.|以...

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Everything We Had
Losing More Than You've Ever Had
If I Had You
If I Had You
If I Only Had A Heart
I Had A Feelin'
I've Had It
If I Had You
If I Had You
I Had Twins (He Had Twins)

Ukrainian Battalion:乌克兰营

Ukraine;乌克兰;; | Ukrainian Battalion;乌克兰营;UKRBAT; | Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company;乌克兰多瑙河船运公司(船运公司);UDP;船运公司

Sierra Nevada pine;Washoe pine:华疏松

矮松 scrub pine;Virginia pine;Yersey pine | 华疏松 Sierra Nevada pine;Washoe pine | 云南松 Burmapine

Bloody Foothills:血腥丘陵

任务奖励:第四幕结束 任务难度:☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 第五幕:哈洛加斯 任务一:Sige On Harrogath 哈洛加斯围城战与 Larzuk 对话触发此任务.拉苏克(Larzuk)让你杀死 Shenk The Overseer,这家伙龟缩 在血腥丘陵(Bloody Foothills)尽头处.Shenk The Overseer 不难杀,