查询词典 gut-wrenching
- 与 gut-wrenching 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Look at the beer gut on that guy:瞧那家伙的啤酒肚
206. All you want is beer and skittles. Don't you know you have to work hard for what you want?... | 207. Look at the beer gut on that guy. 瞧那家伙的啤酒肚. | 208. Do you know how to make a beerbong?...
You renege now, and I'm going to gut you:你最好管好你的事
- You said that we were going to get out of here. 你现在如果食言,我就活... | - You renege now, and I'm going to gut you. 你最好管好你的事 | - So, you better take care of your business, 要不然就等着我来...
You renege now, and I'm going to gut you:你现在如果食言,我就活剥了你
- You said that we were going to get out of here. 你说我们会逃出这... | - You renege now, and I'm going to gut you. 你现在如果食言,我就活剥了你 | - So, you better take care of your business, 你最好管好你...
No, I want a flabby gut and saggy man-breasts:不!我要的是松弛的肚皮和下垂的胸部
Don't you want a washboard stomach and rock-hard pecs?|你不想拥有平滑的小腹和结实的胸肌吗? | No, I want a flabby gut and saggy man-breasts.|不!我要的是松弛的肚皮和下垂的胸部! | That's good.|很好!
Ich mag alle fairen Spieler, die gut sind:选手
战队 Keiner | 选手 Ich mag alle fairen Spieler, die gut sind :) | 游戏英雄 Keiner
pancreas; gut sweetbread:胰脏
胰脏异位 pancreas, ectopic | 胰脏 pancreas; gut sweetbread | 胰腺 pancreatic gland
sweetbread, gut sweetbread:(仔畜)胸腺,胰脏
大辣椒,灯笼椒 sweetbeil redpepper | (仔畜)胸腺,胰脏 sweetbread, gut sweetbread | 加糖炼乳油 sweetened condensed cream
when I know in my gut there is no other way to that end:但我深知 除此之外,没有别的选择
to risk their lives for this victory...|去夺取胜... | when I know in my gut there is no other way to that end.|但我深知 除此之外,没有别的选择 | Not with this enemy. Not with their medieval beliefs.|面对...
was now lost in the gut of an uncatchable fish:那象征被怪鱼吞入腹中
-...soon to be mother of my child... -Make him stop.|-而她也即将是孩子的妈了... -叫他别说了 | ...was now lost in the gut of an uncatchable fish.|那象征被怪鱼吞入腹中 | What did you do?|你怎么办?
Alles was lecker und gut ist:我喜欢的食物
如果我是超人,我要save the wold ;-) | 我喜欢的食物Alles was lecker und gut ist | 我讨厌Versicherungen :-)
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Alles Ist Gut
- Sausage Gut
- Ms. Backseat Love / The Gut Feeling
- Medley: Schlafe, Mein Prinzchen, Schlaf Ein/Guten Abend, Gut' Nacht
- Es Wird Immer Wieder Gut
- Du Bist So Gut Für Mich
- Du Bist Gut
- Du Riechst So Gut
- 推荐网络解释
Greco-Latin square:希腊拉丁方格
Granduation of curve 曲线递合 | Greco-Latin square 希腊拉丁方格 | Grand lot 大批
斜拉器:kicking strap | 帆前角下拉索:cunningham | 调整索:outhaul
软性玩具 soft toy | 塞得过满 overstuffed | 教边 fray