英语人>网络解释>gun-deck 相关的网络解释

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与 gun-deck 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

air gun array:气枪组合

air grid 通风格栅 | air gun array 气枪组合 | air gun davit 气枪吊杆

a big gun:[俚]大人物, 高级军官

vt.向...开枪, 开大(引擎、汽车)的油门 | a big gun [俚]大人物, 高级军官 | a great gun [俚]大人物, 高级军官

Gun, cement:水泥鎗

成溝 Gullying | 水泥鎗 Gun, cement | 噴鎗 Gun, spray

Gun, cement:水泥枪

"成沟","Gullying" | "水泥枪","Gun, cement" | "喷枪","Gun, spray"

electron gun alignment:电子枪调整

electron exchanger 电子式交换机 | electron gun alignment 电子枪调整 | electron gun 电子枪

triode electron gun:三极电子枪

65. diode electron gun 二极电子枪 | 66. triode electron gun 三极电子枪 | 67. oxide cathode 氧化物阴极

field gun:野砲

山炮(Mountain Gun)或野炮(Field Gun),是属于较小型的火炮,约75公厘口径、具双轮式炮车,可拆开来,于山区用人力或马匹机动移防,属于间接瞄准榴炮,射程较近,多用于山区与游击战之类.

Not my gun, idiot. They dropped the body on you, it's a frame-up:不是我的枪啦,笨蛋 他们把尸体丢给你,这是陷阱

Damn it, I threw it in the lake.|该... | Not my gun, idiot. They dropped the body on you, it's a frame-up.|不是我的枪啦,笨蛋 他们把尸体丢给你,这是陷阱 | Then they also have planted a gun, trust me. Move...

lever grease gun:黄油枪

lever floor weigh bridge 杠杆式地上衡 | lever grease gun 黄油枪 | lever gun 杠杆式焊枪

Grenade Gun:榴弹枪

Michine Gun:機槍 | Grenade Gun:榴彈槍 | Special Weapon:包括重機槍以及地雷、老鼠夾

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Grandaddy's Gun
Like A Loaded Gun
Big Gun
Hired Gun
Jump The Gun
Janie's Got A Gun
Gun For The Whole Family
I Need A Gun
Man With The Golden Gun
Pass The Gun Around

decalcification of bone:骨脱钙

decal paper for ceramic ware 陶瓷贴花纸 | decalcification of bone 骨脱钙 | decalcomania 转印法

mixed fruit jelly:什锦水果软糖

mixed fruit jam 什锦果酱 | mixed fruit jelly 什锦水果软糖 | mixed fruit sundae 什锦水果圣代

