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blow down branch:排污支管

弯曲冲辉验 blow bending test | 排污支管 blow down branch | 喷粉器 blow gun


21.bait-and-switch ploy :誘客上門再轉移目標的推銷法---------... | 22.bluenose :衛道之士----------------------------------------- A 88/10/10 | 23.big gun :犀利法寶---------------------------------------...

bobby pin:发夹

游戏初期,开锁用发夹(bobby pin)不多,如何节约呢?机器人系列-建议使用脉冲(Pulse)开头的不管是手榴弹或是地雷都非常有效或是使用飞镖枪(Dart Gun)让它变腿残边后退边打>三大阵营的实力解密,其中,盟军为西方国家组成联盟,

Unscrupulous bombing:狂轰滥炸

Intercept 截球 | Unscrupulous bombing 狂轰滥炸 | Tommy gun (美)冲锋枪


big gun 要人,大人物; | bottled 喝醉的; | kick the bucket 死掉;

bow hand:拉弓的手, 拉琴弓的手

bow gun | 装于舰船或装甲车前方的机枪, 尤指坦克车上的机枪 | bow hand | 拉弓的手, 拉琴弓的手 | bow in humble reverence | 毕恭毕敬地鞠躬


boys gun | (大)坦克炮, (大型)野炮 | boysenberry | 一种杂交草莓 | braaivleis | 烤肉野餐会

Brass Knuckles:铜指虎

说明 铜指虎(Brass Knuckles)是最基础的格斗用武器,一般当作备用武器用. 最大的优点是便宜. 标准格斗武器. 说明 刺指虎(Spiked Knuckles)是铜指虎的改进型,一般当作备用武器用. 标准格斗武器. 说明 拳击枪(Punch Gun)攻击的时候会发出霰弹,

terminatev. bring to an end; come to an end:使终止

substantiala. large, considerable大的,多的 | terminatev. bring to an end; come to an end 使终止 | triggern. the small tongue of metal pressed by the finger to five a gun 报机,触发器

terminate v. bring to an end; come to an end:使终止

substantial a. large, considerable 大的,多的 | terminate v. bring to an end; come to an end 使终止 | trigger n. the small tongue of metal pressed by the finger to five a gun 报机,触发器

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Grandaddy's Gun
Like A Loaded Gun
Big Gun
Hired Gun
Jump The Gun
Janie's Got A Gun
Gun For The Whole Family
I Need A Gun
Man With The Golden Gun
Pass The Gun Around

civil law country:(欧洲大陆各国的)爱猫扑.爱生活系国家

Civil Code(德国)民法典 | civil law country(欧洲大陆各国的)爱猫扑.爱生活系国家 | claim 权利要求

the guy I was fantasizing about all that time:一个我一直梦想交往的家伙

And I didn't hit the fat weather guy from Channel 10,I hit the dreamy reporter,|... | the guy I was fantasizing about all that time|一个我一直梦想交往的家伙. | when I was trying to get over Oharlie.|还...


"到达时间","arrival time" | "碱磷铁石,钠磷锰铁石","arrojadite" | "旱谷","arroyo"