英语人>网络解释>gun-deck 相关的网络解释

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与 gun-deck 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

one-shot gun:单击铆钉枪

one-shot forming 一次形成,一次冶成 | one-shot gun 单击铆钉枪 | one-shot hammer 单击铆枪

they'll meet us over the barrel of a gun:那我们就直接用枪杆子对付他们

If they want to take this country by force and violence...|如果他们想要用武力和暴力掌管这个国家 | they'll meet us over the barrel of a gun.|那我们就直接用枪杆子对付他们 | Michael young.|迈克.杨

Y"all brought a gun.|- Pinole homey. Feel me:他有枪!|- 甜心,你认识我了吧

You feel me right now, huh?|You feel me right now?|你知道... | - Y"all brought a gun.|- Pinole homey. Feel me?|- 他有枪!|- 甜心,你认识我了吧 | Keep it up the block, homey.|l"m right here, homey.|继续阿,...

oil pump gun:油泵枪

oil pump gear 油泵齿轮 | oil pump gun 油泵枪 | oil pump hose 油泵皮带管

bucket pump gun:戽斗式加油枪

bucket play | 中锋策应 | bucket pump gun | 戽斗式加油枪 | bucket pump | 斗式唧筒

Put the gun away. Adam:把枪放下, 亚当

Not today. Come here.现在不是了. 过来. | Put the gun away. Adam.把枪放下, 亚当. | Come here.过来.

Quote from Tom Cruise (Maverick) in Top Gun:(壮志凌云)

"I feel the need - the need for speed" 我觉得有必要--有必要... | Quote from Tom Cruise (Maverick) in Top Gun(壮志凌云) | "You know you drive almost slow enough to drive Miss Daisy" 你这车开得慢到能为黛茜...

racehorse; run and gun:机动灵活的快攻

交换钉人:switch; mark change | 机动灵活的快攻:racehorse; run and gun | 快攻路线(靠边线):lane

rapid fire machine gun:(火神炮)

anti-aircraft multiple cannon (防空炮) ; | rapid fire machine gun (火神炮) ; | hand grenade (手榴弹) ;

Rapid-fire anti-aircraft gun:速射高射炮

远程大炮 Long-range artillery | 速射高射炮 Rapid-fire anti-aircraft gun | 野战炮兵 Field artillery

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Grandaddy's Gun
Like A Loaded Gun
Big Gun
Hired Gun
Jump The Gun
Janie's Got A Gun
Gun For The Whole Family
I Need A Gun
Man With The Golden Gun
Pass The Gun Around

civil law country:(欧洲大陆各国的)爱猫扑.爱生活系国家

Civil Code(德国)民法典 | civil law country(欧洲大陆各国的)爱猫扑.爱生活系国家 | claim 权利要求

the guy I was fantasizing about all that time:一个我一直梦想交往的家伙

And I didn't hit the fat weather guy from Channel 10,I hit the dreamy reporter,|... | the guy I was fantasizing about all that time|一个我一直梦想交往的家伙. | when I was trying to get over Oharlie.|还...


"到达时间","arrival time" | "碱磷铁石,钠磷锰铁石","arrojadite" | "旱谷","arroyo"