英语人>网络解释>go down the drain 相关的网络解释
go down the drain相关的网络解释

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与 go down the drain 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Go by the book:严格照章办事

give someone his heed由某人自由处理 | go by the book严格照章办事 | go down fhe drain把钱白白浪费掉

Go cold turkey:快速戒掉坏习惯

Go ahead ==继续 | Go cold turkey ==快速戒掉坏习惯 | Going down the drain ==全输光了

Going down the drain:全输光了

25、go ahead 继续 | 26、going down the drain 全输光了 | 27、Got your feet wet ? 适应新工作吗?

go down the wind:走向没落 正趋衰落

go down the drain\\v.被抛弃, 失败, 破产, 每况愈下 | go down the wind\\走向没落 正趋衰落 | go down to history载入史册

go downhill:每况愈下

go down the drain 前功尽弃;白费心机 | go downhill 每况愈下 | go Dutch 各自付帐

fill sb in on sth:向某人提供某事的详情

go down the drain浪费 | fill sb in on sth. 向某人提供某事的详情 | level with sb和某人说实话

go down on one's knees:屈膝

go directly 直接进入 | go down on one's knees 屈膝 | go down the drain 失败

You go to town:你来到城里

Another dollar down the drain 所有的钱都已花光 | You go to town 你来到城里 | No one's around 空无一人

You go to town:你进了城

Another dollar down the drain一美圆流失 | You go to town你进了城 | No one's around身旁没人

chalk it up to experience:花钱买个教训

let one's money go down the drain;让钱打水漂儿 | chalk it up to experience;花钱买个教训 | bang for the buck;货真价实

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muck soil 腐殖土 | mucocellulose 粘纤维素 | mucoid 类粘蛋白

FIFA 08:国际足联世界足球 08[欧]

0127 - Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party - 热舞革命 劲爆舞会[日] | 0126 - FIFA 08 - 国际足联世界足球 08[欧] | 0125 - Ninjabread Man - 面包忍者[美]

clathrate complex:包合络合物

classifier 分级机 | clathrate complex 包合络合物 | clay 粘土