英语人>网络解释>get off 相关的网络解释
get off相关的网络解释

查询词典 get off

与 get off 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

get on sb.'s nerves:惹得某人心烦

2117get off the ground开始,(使)取得进展 | 2119get on sb.'s nerves惹得某人心烦 | 2120get on with和...相处

get on to:转入(另一话题等);同...联系

2579get off下车 | 2581get on to...转入(另一话题等);同...联系 | 2582get on with和...相处

get one's mind exercised:锻炼人的头脑

608get off下车 | 609get one's mind exercised锻炼人的头脑 | 610get the hang of得知...的窍门

given to:有癖好的,有倾向的

get off (从...)下来;动身,出发;结束(工作),下班 | given to 有癖好的,有倾向的 | at a glance 一看就

run to ground"=go into hiding:隐藏起来

To my delight, the project began to get off the ground at last. 让我... | 12."run to ground"=go into hiding 隐藏起来 | The murderer was forced to run to ground while the police were looking for him. 警...

You go to temple more than the rabbi:你比牧师去得还勤

You're not going to temple.|别去! | You go to temple more than the rabbi.|你比牧师去得还勤 | Get off my back, woman.|你这女人少管我的事

It's the truth. It's the God's truth:是真的,千真万确

Oh, get off. I might be unfortunate, but I'm not a blitherin' idiot.|噢,滚开,我也许不走运,可我不是... | It's the truth. It's the God's truth.|是真的,千真万确. | He seen ya. He likes ya.|他见过你,他喜欢你...

a goodish step from here:距此甚远

138. get off here and transfer 在这里下车并且转车 | 139. a goodish step from here 距此甚远 | 140. all the leading merchant here 这里所有的重要商人

Aye,gunny:是 军士长

The rest of you,grab as much ammo as you can find And get off the beach!|其他人 尽量多带弹药 离开海滩 | Aye,gunny|是 军士长 | We're fucked.What are we gonna do?|我们要惨了 怎么办?

in handcuffs:戴着手铐

16. get off 下车 | 17. in handcuffs 戴着手铐 | 18. well done 干得好

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Get Off My Back
Get Off On The Pain
Get Off, Get Out
Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You
Get Off
Get Off Easy
Get Off My Block
Get Off Ya Knees
Get Off Yakneez
Get Up Get Off

Res Judicata:已决事件

[5] 也不能排除下级法院-尤其是州法院-决定立法的合宪性问题,而该案未被带到最高法院,且最高法院在另一个案例中审查同样的立法时以相反的方式决定问题. 然后,已决事件(res judicata)原则使得其它法院不可能根据最高法院的决定来调整其先前决定.

observe the proprieties:守礼节; 依照社交惯例

a breach of propriety 失礼行为 | observe the proprieties 守礼节; 依照社交惯例 | I doubt the propriety of doing so.我怀疑这样做是否适当.

eleven consciousnesses:十一識

eleven coarse and heavy hindrances 十一种麁重, 十一麁重 | eleven consciousnesses 十一识 | Eleven kinds of emptiness 十一空